  • 學位論文


Spatiality and the body experience in Taiwanese Women’s Fiction in '80-'90s

指導教授 : 梅家玲


本論文承繼當代台灣女性文學、都市文學研究脈絡,歷時觀察一九八、九○年代女性小說的敘事美學變化。學界亦有不少從女性文學和空間書寫等論題,探討九○以降新世代女作家及其作品的相關論述。然而女作家們雖以書寫「都市」為多數,許多作品卻不純粹寫「都市」,而是透過角色在城鄉的流動歷程表現女性的生活狀態。與其說女性寫「都市文學」或「鄉土文學」,不如轉而思考更核心的問題:女作家怎麼以小說呈現女性周圍的環境,反思其生命課題?本文以「空間」為視角,思索「女性」、「書寫」與「空間」之間可能的連動關係。梳理八、九○年代女性小說文本裡的「身體」與「空間」產生何種敘事變化,呈現何種「身體經驗」,並與文本的「空間再現」之間的關係。並探討女性小說在「女性身體」與「空間再現」所呈現歷時性的書寫變化,與之後「新/後鄉土」小說裡所呈現那種漸趨個人私密化、意識流傾向的「鄉土再現空間」可能的影響關係。 為釐清台灣女性小說書寫發展,本論文選擇以深受女性主義思潮與都市文化影響的八、九○年代社會背景為觀察時間,以敘事學分析八、九○年代兩代女作家小說,並援引梅洛龐蒂《知覺現象學》與巴舍拉《空間詩學》現象學理論,從「身體敘事」與「空間再現」兩方面詮釋文本所呈現的文學內涵。


This presenting thesis discusses the evolution of narrative aesthetics in Taiwanese Women’s Fiction during '80-'90s in the context of urban and female (feminist) literature. Recent researches have pointed out that a large amount of woman’s literature was also urban writing. A new generation of female writers started consciously writing about “city” from the 90’s, which suggests a close correlation between the development of feminine and urban literatures . However, many of those novels are not focusing only on the “city”, but manly on the status of women’s life through the passage between urban and rural settings. Instead of choosing between “women writing urban literatures” or “women writing rural literatures”, a question of more importance should be taken into consideration: how do these writers represent women’s surrounding environment in order to reflect their life, as the theme? In this study, “space” is the central point of observation that helps to rethink the possible intertwining correlation among “women”, “writing” and “space”. To further investigate the development of this writing phenomenon, it is necessary to start considering the changes in woman’s novels during the 80’s and 90’s, in particular focusing on the descriptions of the “body experience” and “spatiality”. In order to clarify the development of Taiwanese women’s fiction writing, this presenting thesis would put emphasis on the fact that the feminism and urban consumption culture started rising in the 80’s and 90’s. The analysis starts from the narratological point of view of the works produced by two generations of female writers from the 80’s and 90’s. The second chapter of this thesis discusses the changes in the “female body” and “perception of space” in the works of 80’s and 90’s according to where and when they were published. Chapter three provides the narratological point of view for the analysis on the feminine side of works and their body images. In this thesis the phenomenological points of view in the “Phenomenology of Perception” of Merleau-Ponty and in “La Poétique de l'espace” of Bachelard, are introduced to interpret the literary implication of the connotations of the “body narration” and the “representation of space.” By combining the body spatialness of Merleau-Ponty and the “private space” point of view of Bachelard, chapter four, based on previous analysis on the narration of body to, interprets the representation of literary space and the “spatial identity” created by the “perception of body,” analyzing the aesthetics of feminine fiction produced during this period.




