  • 學位論文


Design and Verification of a Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis with Stance Knee Control and Knee Extension Assist

指導教授 : 李志中
共同指導教授 : 章良渭(Liang-Wey Chang)


在20世紀末,台灣開始步入高齡化,老年人之醫療照護需求逐年上升。老年病患中以退化性關節炎、偏癱及中風居多,這類的患者因骨四頭肌無力或膝關節功能受損在行動方面會非常困難。站立期控制膝關節輔具(stance knee control orthosis,SKO)由膝關節及膝關節控制裝置組成,不僅能提供膝關節站立時的支撐還能提供走路或做站時的運動範圍,此膝關節的活動範圍能夠減少走路時的身體擺盪並減少使用者的維持身體平衡的肌肉出力。 本文中設計一種站立期控制膝關節輔具,目的在幫助使用者達到膝關節控制的目的,並且機構內的氣壓棒能在坐站的過程中給予抬升力減少雙臂的出力,但此氣壓棒又不會影響走路時下肢的自由擺盪。本文中利用電腦模擬計算出機構的機械利益,用以換算使用者體重及選用氣壓棒規格的大小。然後透過行走實驗,驗證足壓控制膝關節的可行性,並討論足壓出現與走路循環特徵點的時間差在膝鎖控制上所造成的影響。


Taiwan becomes an aging society since the end of twentieth century. The medical care of elderly become an important issue of social welfare. In elderly patients with degenerative arthritis, paralysis and stroke, it will be very difficult for the majority of such patients to walk because of the weakness of quadriceps or dysfunction in the knee joint. The stance control knee orthosis consists of a knee joint and a knee lock control can not only support body while standing but also give additional range of motion during sitting and walking. The additional range of motion can reduce oscillation of body during walking and reduce muscle force for keeping the balance of body. The purpose of this research is to design a stance control knee orthosis. The orthosis mainly consists of a knee lock mechanism as providing the functions of controlling the range of motion of knee joint and a knee extension assist mechanism as providing lifting force during standing and resisting force during sitting. The mechanical advantage of the mechanism is analysed by the computer simulation and the force element air spring can be selected based on the weight of users. The experiment of gait when wearing such orthosis is also conducted such that the feasibility of knee control by the foot pressure is verified. Finally, the control effects of time delay between the pressure and gait motiom is discussed.


Quadriceps Knee orthosis Ratchet Solenoid Air spring Foot pressure


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