  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Chinese Drama and Newspaper in the Early 20th Century Reflected in Chōka Tsuji's Dramatic Criticism

指導教授 : 王安祈


本論文以旅中日籍劇評人辻聽花為研究對象,藉由整理、分析他在《順天時報》上連載近五千篇之戲劇專欄文章,觀察其人及其文章所反映當時北京劇壇之樣貌及劇評寫作方式,貼近清末民初中國京劇獨特的觀�演劇文化。 清末,中國主流劇種─京劇歷經了逐漸成熟而至蓬勃發展的重要階段,一躍成為中國大眾通俗流行娛樂。與此同時,日本在中國展開了各式社會文化事業以促進中日交流與發展,辻聽花在此背景下前往中國進行教育改革活動,然其目光很快地為京劇吸引而成為戲迷,並利用新聞媒體將其後半生投入中國戲曲之評賞與譯介。即使辻聽花的赴華動機備受爭議導致歷來學界對他的關注程度不高,然他為清末民初北京劇壇留下的大量劇評文字卻是如今研究當時京劇劇評和報刊資料時不容忽視的存在。本文試圖將辻聽花置回其身處的歷史語境,以第一手報刊資料重新建構他的生平及其與中國劇壇之交往實態,並針對他以其外客眼光如何利用劇評寫作試圖影響京劇傳統觀�演劇文化,以及如何透過菊選的舉辦達到捧角宣傳與製造名伶的目的,進一步探究清末民初北京演劇與新聞之間建構出的新關係。


辻聽花 順天時報 清末民初 京劇 劇評 報刊 菊選


Chōka Tsuji was a Japanese opera critic in China who wrote a column of theater reviews for Shuntian Times. By summarizing and analyzing his approximately 5000 articles published on the Newspaper, the thesis aimed to observe Chinese opera and theater review style then in Beijing reflected in Chōka Tsuji himself and his works, taking a closer look at the unique culture of Beijing opera appreciation and performance in the early 20th century. In the late Qing Dynasty, the mainstream of Chinese opera—Beijing opera, well-developed and flourished, turned out to be a popular entertainment in China while Japan developed a variety of social cultural undertakings there to promote the exchange and relationship between the two countries. It was during that period when Chōka Tsuji went to China. With the purpose of educational reform, he was soon instead fascinated by Beijing opera and further devoted his later life to publishing Chinese opera reviews and translations on newspapers. Although he was not paid much attention to in academia because of his motivation for going to China, the abundant theater reviews he wrote have become indispensable today to research on Beijing opera reviews and newspaper articles in the late 20th century. Indeed, the purposes of this study were to illustrate Chōka Tsuji’s lifetime and his interaction with the world of Chinese opera using first-hand newspaper articles, as well as to explore the emerging relationship between Beijing opera and newspapers in the late 20th century from the perspective of Chōka Tsuji who, as a foreigner, tried to influence the traditional culture of Beijing opera appreciation and performance through theater reviews, and promoted actors and actresses through “Ju-Xuan” (popularity contests).


