  • 學位論文


Fabrication of focus-tunable liquid crystal microlens array with spherical electrode

指導教授 : 蘇國棟


本論文主要介紹利用噴墨、親疏水性侷限效應、翻模技術製作曲面型液晶微透鏡陣列。製程主要分為兩個部分:微透鏡陣列及液晶盒的組裝。製作微透鏡認列的過程中,利用SU-8 光阻與自身微疏水之特性,並使用噴墨機台製作微透鏡陣列,再使用翻模技術翻在玻璃基板上。經過旋塗上透明導電高分子PEDOT:PSS 與利用SU-8 填平,我們在其上頭旋轉塗佈配向膜,並搭配另一個ITO 玻璃組裝成液晶盒。因為微透鏡的尺寸很小的關係,可以達到比較大的屈光度,並藉由之家電壓於液晶透鏡,改變內部的折射率分佈達到光線偏折的目的,進而與光學變焦系統做結合。


In this thesis, the fabrication of the liquid crystal microlens array with spherical electrode is demonstrated. The fabrication process is divided in two parts: microlens array and liquid crystal cell sealing. In the process of microlens array, the hydrophilic confinement effect, an inkjet printer, and the replication process is used to fabricate microlens array on glass substrate. PEDOT:PSS is spin-coated on the microlens array as a curved electrode and flatten by SU-8 photoresist. Then we assemble it with another ITO glass to form the liquid crystal microlens array. The interference patterns of the LC microlens array is measured and it is in a good agreement with the theoretically calculation. From the interference rings, the optical focusing power range is from -47.28 to -331 diopter under 10 volts. This device can be potentially used for the optical zoom system or focus-tunable lens applications.


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