  • 學位論文


Creating A Estimating Model on Water Conservation through Rainfall on Watersheds in Taiwan with the Recession-curve Replacement Method

指導教授 : 邱祈榮


近年因氣候變遷所帶來旱澇加劇的影響之下,水資源能否穩定供給成為臺灣產官學界共同面臨的關鍵議題。臺灣水資源來源的主要途徑便是降雨,但山高水短的地理特性使得雨水很快便透過地表逕流進到大海中。如能強化並妥善利用臺灣土地水資源涵養能力,便成為一項亟待解決的課題。 在眾多計算水資源涵養量的方法中,Rorabaugh(1964)等人所提出之退水曲線位移法(the recession-curve replacement method)目前被大量應用在研究集水區河川流量與地下水補注關係上。本研究將以退水曲線位移法,先分析林業試驗所蓮華池研究中心所屬三號集水區之河川流量、降雨量與水資源涵養之間的關係,嘗試分析用雨量進行水源涵養量推估的可行性。再以該模式,針對臺灣其他大型集水區,各自建立該集水區之水源涵養量推估模型。 本研究透過迴歸分析,將所選用之八個集水區,各自分析出水源涵養量推估模型。其迴歸分析之R2介於0.1758到0.7321之間,大部分屬於中度相關。迴歸模型的冪次方面,大於一次方的集水區皆分佈在新竹以北地區,小於一次方的集水區皆分佈在新竹以南地區,可見迴歸模型的趨勢與臺灣南北兩地降雨模式的不同有極大關聯。但中低程度的相關性也顯示出光一年降雨量做為推估模型的因子並不足夠,推估模型與實際值之間依然有著一段解釋空間留待其他集水區條件作進一步分析。


In Taiwan, due to the Climate change, flood and drought, which brought more damage than usual, happen frequently in the recent years. Huge part of water supply comes from the river, which supplies by the rainfall but cannot be conserved well. Therefore, building a sustainable water resource system has been marked as a major issue on the list. “The Recession-curve Replacement Method”, which was published by Rorabaugh in 1964, has been used in researching the relation between the river flow and the groundwater-recharge in recent years. The study will use it as main tool to get the amount of water conservation in watershed no.3 in Lian-Hua-Chih Research Center, and analyze the relation between the rainfall and the amount of water conservation, trying to discuss the possibility of building an estimating model on water conservation. Further, the study will use this analyzing process to build the estimating models on the each watersheds in Taiwan. Through Regression analyze, the study has built the estimating models on each of the eight chosen watersheds. The R squares of the models were located between 0.1758 and 0.7321, and the equation which have the power less than 1 all belong to the watersheds that locates at the South of Hsinchu, and others which have the power more than 1 belong to the watersheds that locates at the North of Hsinchu. So we can figure out that climate conditions in different area of Taiwan have tremendous effect on the regression model. But the yearly rainfall is obviously not the only parameter when the relations between the model and the reality still remain low. There are still some key elements, which can make the model more available, remain undiscovered.


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