  • 學位論文


From Online Expression to Governance Participation: a Study on Internet Information Regulation in China

指導教授 : 葉俊榮


本文聚焦於資訊科技發展與政府網絡資訊監管共同形塑下,中國大陸政府與社會之間的資訊掌控、流動狀況的改變及其對社會治理的影響,探尋其邁向社會良好治理的有益連結。文章首先梳理中國大陸資訊科技的更新及政府相應資訊監管措施的改變,在此基礎上,宏觀地呈現政府與社會之間資訊掌控與流動狀態的階段性變化及其社會治理影響。其次從微觀的角度具體展現四個具體網絡事件邁向治理的發展過程,然後結合前述階段的變遷,深入分析資訊發展脈絡下政府與社會之間的資訊掌控、流動和社會良好治理的連結所在。 文章認為中國大陸政府與社會之間的資訊掌控、流動變化所形成的資訊格局,經歷了1994年至2002年「大政府」與「小社會」、2003年至2012年「政府」與「社會」、2013年至今「大政府」與「社會」的變遷。「政府」與「社會」的資訊均衡給予了政府與社會資訊互動開啟的條件,網絡助力下社會的多元行動者的作用發揮影響著政府與社會從資訊互動向攜手社會治理邁進。面對大數據等新的資訊科技強化「大政府」的優勢,為讓社會仍能持續輸出有效的治理資訊,促進良好社會治理得實現,政府應維持資訊的「社會」的活躍,給予其成長和社會多元行動者行動的空間。


With the development of information technology and government’s information regulation on the internet, the government’s and the society’s information control, and the information flow between each other has changed much in China. This paper intends to focus on this change and its influence on governance, trying to figure out a way leading to good governance. Firstly, this paper focuses on the development of information technology and Chinese government’s corresponding information regulation on the internet. Accordingly, the paper macroscopically presents the phased changes in information control and information flow between the government and the society, and its impact on governance. As in the second part, four network events will be detailed discussed for their development implications to the governance. The observations will be analyzed under the phased changes concluded before, and the discussion shall lead the paper to its final part, the answer of connection to good governance This paper considers that China has experienced phased changes from firstly “big government” vs. “small society” (1994-2002), then “government” vs. “society” (2003-2012), and lastly “big government” vs. “society” (2013- ) as information control and flow changes. The information balance, originated form the wide use of Internet, between the "government" and the "society", offered the pre-conditions for the birth of information-based interactions between the society and the government. The multi-actors in the society played roles in the development from this interaction to the better governance. With more new information technologies strengthening the ability of the “big government”, for the purpose of better governance, space shall be maintained by the government to the “social” growth and the social actors’ work continuing.


一、 中文文獻
史考特•麥康森(Scott Malcomson)(著),王寶翔(譯)(2016)。《分裂的網絡:虛擬世界的未來掌握在國家、企業還是個人的手上?》。新北:新樂園。
