  • 學位論文


The Management of Human Rights

指導教授 : 陳文賢


人權觀念、人權發展及人權理論在人類文明中佔有神聖的歷史性地位,當前己日趨成為地球村大環境中的風潮,但是在政治權力為主體的人類生存結構中,嘗試突顯人性尊嚴為最高指標的人權概念,在聯合國七十年來的努力下,迄今仍是夢幻!然而在民主自由為主流的社會中,肯定人權價值、改善人權環境、解決人權問題是人類文化發展的不歸路。 本研究的主要著眼,在於開啓「發展人權理念、處理人權問題」的另一種思維與路徑。「人權管理」主要內涵在於印證管理領域內容對人權的支持及管理理論的主要議題對人權運動的啟發;諸如組織理論、學習、變革與創新、作業供應鏈管理、資訊管理系統、平衡計分卡等等;其次則從人權概念屬性的性質分析出發,定義人權主體的四大類型與需求,人權對象階層的支援性、目標性、群聚性以及與主體相互間的傾化關係,利用人權責任鏈的系統管理及人權管理評估的觀念,構建人權管理理論架構及人權管理鑽石模型。 對應人權運動發展,人權管理區分政治、法律、經濟及人性四個面向,以及人權事業的管理,以及基於人權問題的個案管理两個層次:四個面向說明了人權的性質與價值,最重要的它們是人權問題的源頭、人權運動的起點。這也是人權問題往往糾纏不清,難以處置、解決的真正原因。 两個層次都必須以組織為依據,否則均難具體實踐;前者通過人權組織體制內的活動,照顧人權事業全局性的、前瞻性的、理念性的思考與執行、包括法律、經濟、政治上的人權發展。它的積極、效率、效益是真正人權理想的基礎。它必須由體制內向體制外積極活動,又需要不斷自體制外獲取有形及無形的資源增益其所不足,以達到其組織目的。後者是透過個案的分析、觀察,對人權受害者的恊助、支援、處理,研究在當下的人群、社會、國家對人性價值尊重、肯定的程度,以及對發生的機制檢討與追究改善的過程;此外就是人權主體的自我管理;當面對著不公、不平、不義、受到歧視、委屈、迫害時,什麼樣的態度來因應,什麼樣的處置來對待,人權的自我需求的臨界點如何設定?其間也蘊含著人生哲學的課題。 另外依據人權管理理論架構及人權管理鑽石模型的三類、24項假設;藉四個個案實證:一從高雄外勞暴動事件,分析外勞(人權主體)的需求,以及人權對象(政府、仲介商、管理公司、新聞媒體)在人權責任觀念下的系統管理探討;二是戰車連長意外個案,探索後勤維修責任鏈在國防部以下的人權定位。三就人權恊會之個案,研究人權組織發展的管理問題;以及成長上問題之所在,四則追蹤六個月內,抽樣之相關人權網站(頁),從網路外部效應及匯流效應為分析的基點,探討人權網路資訊的價值與效益;經實證的結果,假設多能成立,由之歸納出人權概念要素屬性,確為人權管理理論結構之基礎。 關鍵字:人權管理、人權管理理論架構、人權管理鑽石模型


The idea and development of the theory of “the human rights” have always played an important role in the history of mankind. After going through a long period of tough time including world wars, the humanity though devastated has rose again and gained serious attentions from the world. Nowadays, although under the heatwave of “global village”, the works of implementing the human rights have still been in vain due to the political manipulations even after seventy-year efforts by the United Nations. However, to recognize the value of human right, to improve the environment of human rights, and eventually, to solve the problems while promoting human rights is believed to be the ultimate way to make our society democratic and free. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to redefine the idea of the human rights and approaches to tackle human right problems by developing a new path of “the management of human rights”(MHR). The main contents of “the Management of Human Rights” will involve adapting the major theories of management into the supports and triggers of the human rights movements, namely organizational theory, Supply Chain Management, Information Management System, and Balanced Scorecard Framework etc. Besides, in order to define the four-type human rights body and further recognize the needs of the four types, the work will start from analyzing the nature of ‘the human rights attribution”. The four-type of human rights will be determined by the supportability, feasibility, gather ability, and furthermore the inter-mutations between the human rights subject and its main body. Finally, the work will establish the “Human Rights Management Framework” (HRMF) and the “Human Rights Management Diamond Model”(HRMDM) by applying the idea of human rights supply chain management and human rights evaluation. This dissertation will also include a series of case study covering from single incident measures such as the foreign labors incident and military accident in Taiwan to the comparison study of cases in Human Rights organization in the world. By doing so, the fundamental status of the Human Rights attributions in the human rights management framework shall be formed. Another contribution of this research is to further establish the detail structure of human rights management framework by dividing into two levels, human rights organization management and human rights cases management; and four categories, politics, law, economy, and humanity. It is expected to reform the whole field of human rights management from all aspects. Although much more still need to be studied and examined in the future, this research has made a clear statement of the importance and the urgent need of human rights management and pointed a way to start with. Key Words:Human rights management, Human Rights Management Framework” (HRMF), “Human Rights Management Diamond Model” (HRMDM)


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