  • 學位論文


The Role of Newspaper in Disputes of Constitutional Amendment During the Seventh Constitutional Reform

指導教授 : 周陽山


第七次修憲對我國政局未來發展有重大影響,修憲過程民、國兩大黨藉由「國會減半」改革旗幟的號召,成功形塑期待憲政改革的主流民意,修憲案也因兩大黨政治實力的優勢而順利通過。在民主社會中,人民有權要求修憲的程序和內容,符合社會公義與程序正義;不過,修憲過程與修憲案本身,卻引發諸多爭議,修憲過程中多元意見亦未獲得充分的討論與呈現。 民主奠基於不同利益、不同觀點的人彼此對話,經由溝通與協商過程形成多元社會的共識。而大眾傳播媒體在民主社會擔負重任,「監督政府」、「公共論壇」就是最被期待的兩種政治角色。本研究分析媒體在此次修憲中的政治立場,檢視其所扮演的角色,從中反映近年台灣媒體環境的發展、變遷與結構性困境,並對新聞專業意理與媒體當前困境提出省思和建議,以作為日後媒體報導國會立法、處理憲政爭議的參考方向。 各報在本次修憲過程中,積極針對修憲條文內容及過程等議題提出主張,也呈現出不同的論述策略及特質。本研究認為,影響四報評論態度偏向的因素,議題取向已大於政黨取向,不過各報基本的政治立場是長期因素影響,短期內難以變動。綜合來看,無論是從公共領域中意見自由流通及公民審議的觀點,或是從守望社會、監督政府的第四權位階,來審視媒體在此次修憲的表現,國內大眾報業仍有一大段改善的空間。本研究反思新聞專業意理,並分析平面媒體政經結構的控制、產業危機、及其再造公民社會的挑戰,以對各層面提出改進方向。 本研究建議,媒體應檢討過去傳統新聞專業意理中「守門人」、「中立者」角色僵化的問題,引進公民新聞學,主動引發公民討論,以公民的關懷作為新聞報導與評論的選擇標準之一,補現今媒體角色之不足。就修憲議題而言,媒體可以透過新聞專業和對公共事務的分析能力,結合民眾力量參與審議,形成公民輿論,進而由下而上間接影響政治人物或政黨的政策決定,以再造公民社會與公共領域,深化媒體公共領域的實踐。未來媒體處理修憲議題時,應多著力於「修憲前準備」階段,另外,也應避免政治議題的討論陷入國家認同的爭議。


The seventh constitutional reform will impact political situation in Taiwan. In the process of the seventh constitutional reform, DPP and KMT successfully form mainstream public opinion which had been sympathetic to constitutional reform. Therefore, the seventh constitutional reform passed through smoothly in 2005. Factually, the rights which ask for procedural and social justice during constitutional reform of people have been protected. However, the process of constitutional reform and articles both give rise to many disputes. It hadn’t been discussed and communicated adequately that various opinion during the seventh constitutional reform. The mass media assume important responsibilities in democratic society. The political role of media that “Watch Dog” and “Public Forum” were expected. This research analyses political preference of mass newspaper which publish in Taiwan in seventh constitutional reform, and survey the role of media in political controversy. Expect to be a mirror of the development, transition, and structure predicament of media in Taiwan recently. Furthermore, this research introspect traditional profession of journalism to advance suggestions for political news report in the future. During the seventh constitutional reform, newspapers advanced many views and positions actively, moreover, different peculiarity and tactics arose in their discourses. This research discovers that issue factors influence deflection of newspapers commentaries instead of political preference. Nevertheless, the political preference of newspapers which based on extended structure doesn’t be changed easily. Generally, the constructive role of newspapers should be strengthened. This research analyses structural control, industrial crisis, challenge to rebuild civil society of mass newspapers in Taiwan. This research advises newspapers to review “gatekeeper” and “neutral” roles, and make up a deficiency by introducing public journalism. Mass media should make use of news specialty and analytic ability to public affair appropriately, and integrate power of citizen to participate public deliberation, even to affect politicians, political parties, and policy decision. According to above suggestions, mass media have a chance to rebuild civil society by reinforcing practice for public forum.


彭芸(2002)。〈2001 年台灣選民的媒介行為與政治信任〉,《選舉研究》,9 (2): 1-36。
