  • 學位論文


The Co-opetition Analysis of Reclaim Wafer Industry In Taiwan

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


我國再生晶圓廠過去之競爭主要來自同業間搶單造成削價競爭外,再加上客戶與供應商之議價能力均很強勢,致使再生晶圓廠利潤越來越差,有必要做深入探討其原委並擬對策。 本文主要是在探討我國再生晶圓廠的產業生態,再藉由波特的五力分析架構,對產業內之競爭之五股作用力做分析,抽絲剝繭找出產業的結構特色。並進一步借由賽局及競合的角度,來探討再生晶圓廠商與客戶間在議價過程中的賽局,並論及彼此間的競合行為,最後探討分析了再生晶圓廠商如何藉由改變賽局的Parts五種基本元素,幫助廠商有系統的去思考如何改變賽局,則廠商與客戶之間及廠商與廠商間,為獲取最大利益,可存在既競爭又合作的關係。透過業界之整併將更符合經濟規模,並建構共用平台,提高採購議價空間、開發設備與聯合在大陸設廠等之競合策略與方案,用以提供業界有志之士之參考。


The competition pressure of reclaim wafer industry in Taiwan are mainly due to price cutting among companies in order to get more order and bargaining power of suppliers and customers is very strong! Thus, profit of reclaim wafer makers is getting less and less. It’s necessary to explore the reason why this happens and to find the way to deal with this situation! This paper aims to explore reclaim wafer industry and applying “Five Forces Analysis,”proposed by Michael Porter. Further, price negotiation; competition and cooperation between reclaim wafer makers and its customer are analyzed by ‘Game Theory’ and “Co-opetition Theory”. How reclaim wafer makers utilize these elements, as known as PARTS, to gain advantageous position is also examined. In order to get largest benefit, competition and cooperation could occur simultaneously between reclaim wafer makers, or between reclaim wafer makers and its customer. Suggestions are provided for Taiwan’s related industries that Reclaim wafer makers could get more benefit through incorporation to meet economic scale, platform construction to enhance bargaining power, equipment development, set up a company in mainland China.


1.Ansoff, H. I.(1984), Implanting Strategic Management, New Jersey:Prentice-Hall.
5.Levitt, T.(1965), “ Exploit the Product Life Cycle”, Harvard Business Review, Sep-Dec., PP.114.
6.Porter, M.(1980), Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors, Free Press, New York
7.Von Neumann J. and Morgenstern O.,(1944), Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, Princeton NJ:Princeton University Press.


