  • 學位論文


The Study of Urban Space Planning’s Function Position of Urban Disaster Prevention and Its Implementation

指導教授 : 陳亮全


本研究嘗試探討都市空間規劃在都市防災中扮演之角色與功能定位,並於回顧整理都市防災與都市計畫相關文獻,以及對台灣、美國與日本之都市防災現況進行瞭解後,彙整出都市防災規劃要項17類137項,同時擬定都市防災規劃要項系統,藉以瞭解都市防災之運作模式。 擬定都市防災規劃要項系統並瞭解其運作情形後,再透過考量其中與土地使用相關之項目及相關文獻,並融合都市空間減災策略,本研究擬定7大類31項空間減災措施。而後對都市防災空間減災措施之重要程度及其適用之都市計畫手法,進行模糊德爾菲法專家問卷調查,以找出其中重要的空間減災措施及其適用都市計畫手法。 專家問卷調查結果顯示,重要性排名前十五項空間減災措施,依序為地區可能發生之災害影響評估、高災害潛勢區土地使用之管制、公共設施重建(含交通設施及維生系統)、制定土地使用分區管制規則之防災規定、重要開發方案之易致災性評估、瞭解地區之災害潛勢、歷史與現況分析、高災害潛勢區劃設與禁限建措施、重要與基礎公共設施規劃以避免形成易致災之都市發展、公共設施及維生管線等之耐震及防災規劃或補強、住宅及社區重建、繪製防災空間系統圖、擬訂地區災害防救計畫、繪製並公開災害潛勢地圖、研擬重建之都市計畫(含都市更新計畫)、於高災害潛勢區實施開發許可制。 本研究針對重要性排名前十五項之空間減災措施,對專家進行深度訪談,以瞭解其執行現況及落實到都市計畫的方式,並進行討論。最後,對空間減災措施落實方式及如何將其納入都市計畫規劃作業程序,提出建議。


This study intends to discuss the urban space planning’s function position of urban disaster prevention and its implementation. According to the literature concerning urban disaster prevention and urban planning as well as the actual implementation of urban disaster prevention in Taiwan, US and Japan, 17 categories and 137 items of urban disaster prevention planning manners were classified and an operating system to understand the pattern of the urban disaster prevention was developed in the study. Based on the operating system and understanding of the pattern of the urban disaster prevention, 7 categories and 31 measures of spatial mitigation for disaster prevention were generalized by combining knowledges from literature relative to land use planning and the strategies of urban disaster prevention. After that, a questionnaire survey concerning spatial mitigation of urban disaster prevention was carried out with relating specialists in Taiwan. The fuzzy Delphi method was then applied to analyze the data from the survey to prioritize the 7 categories and 31 measures of spatial mitigation for disaster prevention and to find appropriate ways to implement these measures in urban planning. The specialist survey results showed that the first 15 measures of importance of spatial mitigation were listed from the most important to the least as follows; Evaluation of the possible influence of disasters in local areas, Restriction on the land use in the high hazard prone areas, Reconstruction of public infrastructures (including traffic facilities and life-line systems), Constitution of disaster prevention rules within the zoning regulations, Assessment of vulnerability of the areas in critical development projects, Analysis of the hazards potential, current and historical condition , Layouts of high hazard prone areas and its measures of prohibiting and limiting of development, Plan for crucial/basic public infrastructures to prevent urban development vulnerable to natural disasters, Seismic evaluation, disaster prevention planning and strengthening of the public infrastructures and life-line systems, Reconstruction of residental areas and communities, Drawing the disaster prevention spatial systems, Scheming the Regional Disaster Prevention and Response Plan, Drawing and releasing maps of the natural hazards potential map, Scheming reconstruction plans for the damaged urban areas (including urban renewal plans), Carrying out planning permission system in high hazard prone areas. In-depth interviews and discussions concerning the above mentioned fifteen spatial mitigation measures were also carried out with relating specialists in Taiwan for information of how those measures are operated currently and opinions on how to implement them into urban planning. In the end, the study tried to provide suggestions on implementation of spatial mitigation measures and how to apply them into urban planning.


林峰田(2007)〈土地使用減災空間規劃方法〉。台北:台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所電腦輔助空間規劃設計研究室技術報告,編號2007-01。[Online]Available: http://www.bp.ntu.edu.tw/WebUsers/ftlin/course/gis/%E5%9C%9F%E5%9C%B0%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%E6%B8%9B%E7%81%BD%E7%A9%BA%E9%96%93%E8%A6%8F%E5%8A%83%E6%96%B9%E6%B3%95.pdf。


