  • 學位論文

臺灣民主鞏固時期國際扶輪社社團活動研究 ——臺北延平、和平、亞東扶輪社團的比較分析

Research of Social Activities of Rotary International in Taiwan during Democracy Consolidation Period: A Comparative Study of Rotary Club of Taipei YenPing, Taipei Peace & Taipei Asia East

指導教授 : 陳明通


國際扶輪社起源於美國芝加哥,現今活躍在全世界超過160個國家和地區,擁有超過100萬名社員,是全世界最大的服務性社團之一。通過各種社會服務活動,社員們實現了以服務作為理想的宗旨,並在彼此的往來中建立了良好的人際網絡。扶輪社進入台灣後,歷經日據時期、威權統治時期、民主轉型時期與民主鞏固時期,伴隨著政治、經濟、社會等大環境的發展變遷,台灣扶輪社從其組成結構到社團活動內容也有發生變化。本論文主要研究臺灣民主鞏固時期國際扶輪社社團活動。 本論文在台灣眾多扶輪社中選取了三個分別在威權時期、民主轉型時期與民主鞏固時期創立的,且都地處於國際扶輪3480台北地區的社團進行比較研究。一方面三社處於同一扶輪社地區脈絡,社團活動互動對象和模式具有相似性;另一方面三社主要組成成員分別來自三個不同的時期,社團活動的內容、目標和驅動力具有相異性。 文中將扶輪社社團活動歸納為政治涉入(political involvement)、人際網絡經營(networking)、社會關懷與服務(social concern and services)三個相關面向,通過比較三個時期扶輪社在當今社會活動的特點,嘗試解讀在三個時期參與扶輪社的社會精英對於以上三個面向的介入。 研究中先對近3年三社的社刊進行內容分析,整理歸納三社背景數據、各類活動內容相關信息的資料,再用统计产品与服务解决方案(Statistical Product and Service Solutions)軟件進行統計學分析,最後得出結論。


Rotary International originated from Chicago U.S. in the early nineteen hundreds, the number of RI members which known as Rotarians today is over one million and the Rotary clubs are active globally in over one hundred and sixty countries and regions. Through multiple kinds of social services, Rotarians fulfill their purpose to devote themselves into helping others and build up solid personal connections. RI in Taiwan went through Japan-Colonial period, Authoritarian period, Democratic Transition period and Democratic Consolidation period. In each period, the Rotary Clubs varied in the composition and social activities. This thesis mainly focuses on social activities of Rotary Clubs during Democracy Consolidation Period. In the article, three Rotary Clubs each from Authoritarian period, Democratic Transition period and Democratic Consolidation period and all located in RI 3480 Region are picked to be evaluated. There are similarities come from the same regional context, also there are diversities led by the different historical background. Political involvement, networking, social concern and services are the three major aspects focused on in this article. By means of comparing distinct social activities of three selected Rotary Clubs, the study tries to find out how Rotary elites from different periods act today with those issues. First of all, by analyzing the contents of club bulletins from last three years, the background and information about all types of social activities of three selected Rotary Clubs are organized. Secondly, a comparative research is conducted by analyzing the concluded data using SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) software. At the end, conclusions are draw from the interpretation of the preceding research.


楊中芳(1999)。〈人際關係與人際情感的構念化〉,本土心理學研究,12 期:105-180。
