  • 學位論文


The Study of Architecture in Peinan Site

指導教授 : 陳有貝


本研究以卑南遺址卑南文化時期的結構遺留為研究對象,經由分析結構現象的營建方式、空間佈局、方向形制等面向,達到了解卑南遺址的房屋建築樣貌的目的。   在卑南遺址獲得的年代資料中,卑南文化約在3500 B.P.~1500 B.P.(李坤修、葉美珍 2001:114),聚落性的結構遺留可謂其特色之一。結構遺留屬於卑南文化人群物質文化的一部分,也是人群的技術產物,更是組成房屋建築的重要構造。此時期的結構遺留有二大特色,其一是建築材料的選擇上以各種尺寸的礫石為主組成各種結構現象,經辨識後確認的結構空間有「砌石牆」、「砌石圈」、「小住屋」、「立石結構」與「鋪石地面」等,均有礫石構成的結構基礎在其中;其二是空間佈局呈現高度一致性,以北北東─南南西為聚落的長軸方向,整體按照土台結構群在西,住屋結構群在東的規則,分布在遺址範圍內。其中,結構群又可以結構現象加以區分,土台結構群為「砌石牆─砌石圈─砌石牆」的組合,住屋結構群則為「小住屋─立石結構─鋪石地面」的組合。經過對比雅美族與布農族家屋領域、家屋建築以及此二者與人群的關係,初步認定「小住屋」與「立石結構」互有對應的空間組合,就是卑南文化房屋的基本單位,也是房屋建築的基礎結構。


This research has focuses on the architecture of Peinan Culture, studied by the structural features which excavated from Peinan site, Taitung City. Stone structural features are one of the characteristics of Peinan Culture, which is dating at 3500 B.P. ~ 1500 B.P. (李坤修、葉美珍 2001:114). There are two kinds of building materials. One is split boulders, the other is slate slabs. Some features with regular patterns are identified as Laying Stone Wall(砌石牆), Laying Stone Round Structure(砌石圈), Little Room(小住屋), Standing Stone Structure(立石結構), and Placing Stone Structure(鋪石地面). Most of them are made of split boulders. The structural features are clustered with a NNE-SSW orientation, and are identified as two groups. One is called earth platform structural group, contending Laying Stone Wall and Laying Stone Round Structure. The other is called dwelling structural group, contending Little Room, Standing Stone Structure, and Placing Stone Structure. After comparing with the Tao’s and the Bunun’s house structure and territory, I argued that Little Room and Standing Stone Structure are combined into the foundation of a house, and this foundation is also a basic unit of a house from Peinan Culture.


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