  • 學位論文


The Application of Alkali-treated Rice Straw and Sunn Hemp as Alternative Forage for Dairy Goats

指導教授 : 徐濟泰


太陽麻乾草與稻草稈為臺灣常見的綠肥作物與農業副產物,含有豐富的結構性碳水化合物,可作為泌乳羊的能量來源,並提供維持瘤胃功能所需的纖維。鹼處理可使纖維結構變的鬆散,擴大瘤胃纖維分解菌的附著面積,提高反芻動物對植物細胞壁的消化及利用效率。 以乾基5% NaOH與2.5% H2O2 分別對太陽麻乾草與稻草稈進行鹼處理2週後,其體外消化乾物質消化率 ( IVDMD ) 與未處理之太陽麻乾草及稻草稈比較,前者提高15%,後者為63%。將鹼處理及未處理太陽麻乾草與稻草稈依0:100、20:80、40:60、60:40、80:20、100:0比例混合進行體外發酵,總產氣量、IVDMD及中洗纖維消化率 ( IVNDFD ) 測定結果皆隨著鹼處理芻料含量增加而提升。依上述結果採用鹼處理與未處理混合比例為60:40的太陽麻乾草及80:20的稻草稈進行替代性芻料的泌乳羊試驗。 本試驗使用6隻過泌乳高峰經產之阿爾拜因 ( Alpine ) 泌乳山羊,採2重複 3 x 3拉丁方試驗設計,共有3個試驗期 ( 17天適應期、4天採樣期 ),依芻料的種類分為三個處理組:對照組 ( 苜蓿乾草、百慕達草 );稻草處理組 ( 苜蓿乾草、稻草稈 );太陽麻處理組 ( 太陽麻乾草、百慕達草 )。試驗期間,於每日的07:00及19:00進行擠奶與餵飼。 試驗結果顯示,稻草組有最高的乾物質採食量 ( 2136.0 g/head/day ) 但在三處理組間沒有顯著差異;太陽麻處理組的中洗纖維採食量顯著較另外兩組低。表面消化率的部分,太陽麻處理組的乾物質消化率較稻草處理組高,與對照組相似,非纖維性碳水化合物的表面消化率,稻草組較其他兩處理組低。三處理組在乳產量 ( 1962.2、2034.5、1737.5 mL/day ) 及乳組成方面沒有顯著差異,稻草組的乳氮含量顯著高於太陽麻組,氮滯留的部分則沒有出現差異。 綜合以上結果,以含有部分鹼處理的太陽麻乾草與稻草稈分別取代苜蓿乾草及百慕達草餵予泌乳羊,對乾物質採食量及生產表現不會造成負面影響。利用鹼處理方法確實提高纖維性副產物的品質,國產農業副產物經鹼處理後具有作為替代性芻料的潛力。


Sunn hemp ( SH ) and rice straw ( RS ) are common agriculture cover-crop and by-product in Taiwan. They are high in cell wall carbohydrates and can be incorporated into the diet of dairy goats as a source of energy as well as providing the dietary fiber to ensure normal ruminal function. The alkaline hydrogen peroxide ( AHP ) treatment can increase bacterial colonization and adhesion to fiber particles and increase the rate and extent of fiber digestion in the rumen. Sodium hydroxide and H2O2 were added to the SH and RS at 5.0% and 2.5% of the dry matter, respectively and then set for 2 weeks. The in vitro dry matter digestion ( IVDMD ) of SH and RS was improved 15% and 63% after AHP treatment. Total gas production, IVDMD and neutral detergent fiber digestion ( IVNDFD ) increased, as the percentage of AHP-treated substrate was elevated in incubation. According to the result of in vitro test, we chosed the ratio of AHP-treated: untreated of SH and RS as 60:40 and 80:20 in dairy goat feeding study. Six multiparous Alpine goats in mid-lactation were used in two replications of 3 x 3 Latin square design. Each experiment period included 21 day, the first 17 d were used for adjustment to diets followed by 4 d of sample and data collection. There were 3 treatment diets: control ( alfalfa hay, bermudagrass ), rice straw ( alfalfa hay, rice straw ), and sun hemp ( sunn hemp, bermudagrass ). Goats were fed and milked daily at 0700 and 1900 during the trial. Goats in RS group had the highest dry matter intake ( 2136.0 g/head/day ), but there were no significant different among three treatment groups. The neutral detergent fiber ( NDF ) intake of SH group was less than the other groups. Sunn hemp group had higher dry matter digestibility than rice straw group, however, no significantly different to control group. Rice straw group had the lowest non-fiber carbohydrate digestibility. There was no significant difference observed in milk yields among control, RS and SH groups ( 1962.2, 2034.5, 1737.5 mL/day ), milk composition and N retention among three treatment groups. In conclusion, there was no negative effect on dry matter intake and performance of dairy goats when replacing alfalfa hay with sunn hemp, or bermudagrass with rice straw. AHP-treatment actually improves the quality of alternative forages. And it proves that, domestic agriculture cover-crop and by-products have potential as the alternative forage for ruminants after pretreatment.


Alkali-treatment By-product Rice straw Sunn hemp Dairy goat


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