  • 學位論文


Segmental Bidding’s Strategic-A Bid Program to Lay Submarine Optical Cable

指導教授 : 吳政鴻


過去各系統整合廠商所遇到的分段式標案,大多大型且複雜度高。本研究分析如何運用新雙贏策略,找出最合適的夥伴組成投標團隊;接著再運用決策樹分析法找出投標團隊的最佳價格來贏得標案。並將自身所參與的海底光纜案為例子,做為各家廠商贏得標案的學習模式。   因為在分段式標案中,各家廠商除了需符合客戶所列的各項資格與規格外, 還必須一起在價格上做出最大讓步,共同找出最佳報價方式贏得標案。同時一般 大型的標案多是以分段式做規則,目的是剔除投機廠商。而需求的產品種類多, 參與競爭的系統整合商,都需尋找各供應廠商且相互合作;相對的,各供應廠商 也在找尋最有利的系統整合商參與投標,這之間所產生的競合關係與策略,也是 贏得標案重要的環節。   本研究第一章介紹系統整合商的背景,第二章說明競合理論、雙贏談判與決策樹,第三章解釋分段式標案的相關規則,與第四章分析競合策略,並以海底光纜標案為例,來實證前面所介紹的各項策略分析方法,並說明出用低價來搶標不是明智之方式,因為這不能讓公司保持獲利,需要將標案的經驗法則與數據分析做整合,才能生存在標案中的遊戲規則。最後得出第五章結論是說明在競合市場的優勢,並說明不要因業績而去投一些不熟悉的專案技術上,反而會造成更大損失。   最後各家廠商要思考的,是如何善用既有與其它標商的資源來增加標案的勝 算;而哪種標商組合對自己公司最有利,將會影響後續標案的策略及勝算。因此 作出以下研究,希望能藉此研究來提供廠商在日後的標案上,能找出最好的策 略,來增加公司標案的命中率。


In the past manufacturers of integrated systems have come up against the challenge of segmented bidding on projects mostly involving large-scale and highly complex components. This study analyzes how to apply a new win-win strategy that will identify the most appropriate partners to participate in a bid team. It follows up by using decision tree analysis to determine the best competitors as far as price goes in seeking to win a tender. Finally, it looks at an actual case regarding submarine cable in which the author was involved, as an example for various manufacturers to learn from when organizing a tender offer.   Since various manufacturers participating in a multiple-partner tender bid must all meet the qualifications listed in the customer specifications and must also cooperate in order to make the largest concessions possible on price, they all need to develop a common strategy to put together an offer that will win the tender. Bids on large-scale projects generally involve segmented participation, in many cases simply to weed out speculative bidders. Many different kinds of products are needed in such projects, and integrated systems manufacturers participating in such competitions must seek out suppliers who can work well with each other. Conversely, the various smaller suppliers are looking for systems integrators who can put together winning bids. This process leads naturally to internal competition and complex relationships that are also an important part of the strategy for winning tenders.   Chapter One of this study looks at the background of system integrators. Chapter Two follows with an overview of the theory of competition, win-win negotiation strategies and decision trees; while Chapter Three explains some of the key rules followed in making segmented tenders; and Chapter Four analyzes a number of strategies used in competing for bids. In the case involving submarine cable, for example, an empirical analysis of the strategies described above eventually comes to the conclusion described in Chapter Five: system integrators currently working in Taiwan need to find the most suitable partners available to compete in tenders, and they must utilize a combination of strategies rather than attempting to win a tender simply by submitting the lowest bid. Relying on price alone makes it very difficult for a company to manage a profit; what is needed is experience in participating in tenders as well as skill in analyzing and integrating data in order to survive in the game of bids and tenders.   Finally, various systems integrators need to think about how to make the best use of existing resources and other providers to beef up their odds of winning in a standard bid process. They must also consider which team of manufacturers will be best for their own interests if indeed they do win the tender. Thus the following research is offered as a guide for manufacturers participating in future tenders, to find the best strategy and increase the company’s success rate in competing in tenders.


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