  • 學位論文


The role of WDR5 in the formation of cytoplasmic inclusion body and replication of canine distemper virus

指導教授 : 鄭益謙


許多副黏液病毒(paramyxoviruses),如麻疹病毒(MeV),犬瘟熱病毒(CDV),呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV),人副流感病毒(HPIV3)等,它們感染的細胞中都出現了包涵體(inclusion body)。在過去的研究中,包涵體被認為是病毒廢棄物(如未正確折疊的病毒蛋白,序列錯誤的病毒核酸等)的聚集地。然而,最近的研究指出,細胞質包涵體是病毒進行複製的場所,病毒蛋白,病毒RNA,病毒mRNA,聚集在包涵體內,提高了病毒複製的效率。但是目前還沒有研究能夠完整闡述包涵體的形成機制,尤其是宿主端如何調控病毒包涵體形成之研究非常缺乏。包涵體的形成,有兩項發現是被廣泛認可的:第一點,病毒的N蛋白(nucleoprotein)和P蛋白(phosphoprotein)對於包涵體的形成至關重要;第二點,形成包涵體的各種物質通過液相分離(liquid-liquid phase separation)的方式聚集。此外,在麻疹病毒的研究中,WDR5能夠和包含病毒N,P,L蛋白的複合物結合,以及,降低(knockdown)WDR5抑制了病毒的複製,所以宿主蛋白WDR5可能參與包涵體的形成。同為麻疹病毒屬(Morbillivirus genus)的犬瘟热病毒,仍然廣泛存在于未接種疫苗的家犬,以及一些野生宿主中,如野生浣熊,野生狐狸。目前仍然沒有治療犬瘟熱的特效藥,而且,對於犬瘟熱的研究大多集中在臨床,病毒在細胞內的機制研究極其匱乏。所以我們希望通過對犬瘟熱病毒包涵體的研究,去尋找治療的新方向,其次,也希望能夠對其他副黏液病毒包涵體的研究提供幫助。在我們的研究中,首先想確認在野生型病毒感染的情況下,WDR5的分佈情況。但是市售的WDR5抗體存在低親和力的問題,另外我們也無法找到一種能同時過量表達(overexpress)WDR5並且對犬瘟熱病毒有敏感性的細胞株,所以我們在Vero細胞中共表達(co-express)犬瘟熱病毒的N,P蛋白,來模擬全病毒引發的包涵體,以此建立了犬瘟熱N-P共表達模型(N-P co-expression model)。在此模型之下,我們過表達WDR5-GFP,觀察到WDR5和包涵體樣點(IB-like puncta)有共定位(colocalization)。第二,我們通過免疫共沉澱的方法(co-immunoprecipitation),觀察到WDR5和N-P複合物有結合,這也暗示了WDR5可能參與犬瘟熱包涵體的形成。第三,我們通過shRNA和siRNA的方式降低(knockdown)WDR5的表達,觀察到犬瘟熱病毒蛋白的複製受到了抑制,證明WDR5對病毒複製的重要作用,也為WDR5在包涵體的形成發揮作用提供間接證據。第四,我們用WDR5抑制劑處理N-P共表達模型,產生包涵體樣點的細胞比例從62%降到25%,直接證明WDR5在包涵體的形成中扮演至關重要的作用。最後,我們用WDR5抑制劑(CC50:101.6 µM)抑制犬瘟熱病毒的感染,50 µM的抑制劑能夠顯著緩解病毒的感染,但即使將抑制劑濃度提高到100 µM也無法完全阻斷病毒感染,這個結果與第四點中的結果符合,因為WDR5抑制劑無法破壞所有的病毒包涵體。 總而言之,我們直接證明了WDR5參與到犬瘟熱病毒的包涵體的形成中,並且發現WDR5可以作為新的犬瘟熱病毒治療標的(target)。


Canine distemper virus (CDV), a contagious pathogen causing fatal systemic disease, still widely exists in unvaccinated domestic dogs and wildlife reservoirs, such as raccoons, foxes. In clinical cases, one diagnostic symbol is the discrete foci called inclusion bodies (IBs). Not only in canine distemper disease but in many paramyxoviruses-infected cells, inclusion bodies (IBs) can be observed both in the cytoplasm and nucleus. Recent researches have unraveled that cytoplasmic IB is viral replication machinery rather than aggresome. However, our understanding of its formation mechanism, especially understanding how host mediates its formation, is limited. Thus, we want to investigate the formation mechanism of CDV IBs, which can be helpful for antiviral therapy development. In previous researches, host protein WDR5, a transcriptional regulator, has been reported to promote MeV replication. In our research, firstly, we co-transfected CDV N and P proteins in Vero cells to mimic wild-type CDV-induced IB and named this process as N-P co-expression model. Secondly, overexpressed WDR5-GFP colocalized with IB-like puncta in N-P co-expression model and WDR5 co-immunoprecipitated with N-P complex, which implied that WDR5 was associated with CDV IB. Thirdly, shRNA and siRNA-mediated knockdown of WDR5 significantly reduced the level of viral protein production, which indicated that WDR5 promoted CDV replication. Fourthly, WDR5 inhibitor, OICR-9429, decreased the ratio of cells inducing IB-like puncta in N-P co-expression model, which provided direct evidence for the essential role of WDR5 in IB formation. Finally, we found that 50 µM WDR5 inhibitor (CC50 in B95a: 101.6 µM) inhibited CDV infection but even 100 µM drug could not completely blocked CDV infection. All in all, we found that host protein WDR5 acted as a scaffold in CDV IB formation and was a new target for anti-paramyxovirus drug development.


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