  • 學位論文


The Effect of Self-construal and Relationship Closeness on Compromise Effect

指導教授 : 張重昭


本研究主要探討不同自我建構型態(self-construal)的消費者,在面對幫關係親疏程度不同的對象選購物品時,妥協效果的影響程度。自我建構型態可分為「獨立自我」(independent self-construal)與「相依自我」(interdependent self-construal)兩種,「獨立自我」的人渴望表達出個人的獨特屬性,用較系統性的思考方式理解、分析和處理購物資訊;另一種「相依自我」的人則將自我視為一個社會團體當中的一份子,傾向較啟發式的思考方式來處理分析所有的購物資訊。依此推論,自我建構型態會導致妥協效果的影響程度不同。 根據過去的研究,關係親疏程度與妥協效果亦存在高度相關,這是由於當消費者替較疏遠的對象購買時,不了解這些對象的品味和看法,以及對風險的忍受程度,因此傾向選擇在所有屬性性能皆表現中庸的「妥協選擇」(compromise option)。 因此本研究以過去研究為基礎,進一步以自我建構型態與關係親疏程度作為自變數,透過一2(相依自我v.s.獨立自我)x3(替自己購買v.s.替家人購買v.s.替朋友購買)x2(商品有兩個選擇【Binary】v.s.有三個選擇【Trinary】)的受測者問卷實驗設計,探討兩者交互作用下對妥協效果之影響。


This study focused on the effect of self-construal and relationship closeness on compromise effect. Self-constructed classifies individuals into two categories: independent and interdependent. The independent usually express their unique opinion, using systematic style of thinking to understand, analyze the purchasing information. While the interdependent see themselves as part of a social group and use a heuristic style of thinking to process the purchasing information. Past research identified that the relationship closeness and compromise effects are highly correlated because when consumers buy something for someone they don’t know much, they don’t understand their tastes and views of these objects. Therefore they tend to choose the compromise option with doctrine of mean. This research use self-construal and relationship closeness as independent variables and conduct an experiment through a 2 (interdependent vs. independent) x3 (buy for self vs. buy for a family vs. buy for a friend) x2 (there are two options [Binary] vs. three options [Trinary]) questionnaire to explore the impact of the compromise effect on the interaction of the two.


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