  • 學位論文


How to interpret the Spring and Autumn Annals of Confucius in the Northern Song

指導教授 : 張素卿


本篇論文根據中唐啖助、趙匡、陸淳等人所提出的「尊經」觀念,試圖從經典詮釋的角度勾勒北宋《春秋》學的整體發展與變化,探究學者所持的「經」、「傳」觀念及其詮釋進路,連帶討論期間涉及的《春秋》學種種問題。在詮釋路徑上,啖助等人提出「尊經作傳」的詮解意圖,將研究焦點從《左傳》轉至《春秋》經,以探究經文大義為主要的研究路徑。此種從「傳」至「經」此一研究焦點的轉移,促成他們能夠脫離漢唐經學,擺脫專家解經之束縛,從而能超越師說、家法的關鍵因素。詮解經義時兼采三傳,不主一家。進而落實在具體解經工作時,則直斥三傳之非,據經駁傳,強調以經作為審核傳義的主要標準。 北宋《春秋》學,即延續啖助學派「尊經作傳」之治經觀點,針對三傳的解經特點、解經得失、以及如何運用三傳予以解經等詮釋方法問題,從不同角度提出多元複雜的論述,進而各自完成自身相關的解經著作,或是《春秋》新「傳」。並在研究成果中,重新審視經與傳之間的可能關係。諸如劉敞在經、傳關係問題上,自覺明確地提出「傳者出於經者也,而傳非經之本」,並說:「學者莫如信《春秋》,則外物不能惑矣。《春秋》云甲,傳云乙。傳雖可信,勿信也。孰信哉?信《春秋》而已矣。」或是崔子方,他基於對學者研讀三傳過程的反思,質疑學者治經非得透過三傳,不經三傳即無法明白義理。如此一來,既然經義為三傳所述,為三傳所賦予,《春秋》經無異等同虛文。故他堅決地提出「雖無傳者一言之辯,而《春秋》了可知」此一命題,並在理論上徹底否定三傳對經義的參考性。崔氏極力想突破必須經由三傳解經的既定格局,故他提出擺脫三傳、「舍傳求經」之治經路徑,反映出崔氏「尊經抑傳」的深刻用心。 從《經義考》以及現存經解等相關文獻,可考察出自劉敞過世之後,北宋《春秋》學在解經方式上慢慢開始出現重要的轉變。《春秋》學的發展重點從早期孫復、劉敞此一學風變革階段,慢慢地將研究重心轉移至「如何解經」此一具體方向上。學者逐步考慮如何運用三傳傳義、或個人傳承的師說等內容,以此來詮釋經文。基本上,在解經方法,大體以義例辨析、闡發義理為主。然而,學者對三傳的解經特質、內容得失、如何詮解經義等問題,彼此看法不一,故各自形成不同的三傳解經方法。例如孫覺受朱臨影響,接受陸淳觀點,提出以《穀梁》為本並參以師說的解經「原則」。或是蘇轍重新反思自孫復以降的《春秋》學發展,認為解經時「事必以丘明為本」,應重視《左傳》記事之解經價值。不僅蘇轍肯定《左傳》,後來的張大亨曾問學於蘇軾,聽聞蘇軾對《左傳》解經的看法,進而發展出既沿用義例又欲超越義例的解經路徑。提出「事與經同則引事以釋經,例與義合則假例以明義」等解經方式。希望突破傳統義例解經之侷限,達到他所謂「去例以求經,略微文而視大體者」此一目標。 職此之故,若根據經學史、《經義考》等相關資料,我們可約略從經典詮釋的角度,對北宋《春秋》學在詮釋方法上的進展,大略劃分出三個階段: 第一,是「沉潛期」,即指自藝祖開國至慶曆二年。在此一階段中,雖有零星的經學上的創獲,然而整體上仍維持因循保守的風氣,誠如馬宗霍所說:「宋初經學,猶是唐學,不得謂之宋學。」 第二,則為「變革期」。論者謂:「自孫明復為《春秋尊王發微》,稍自出己意。」所謂「稍自出己意」,則指出孫復經說已不同於漢唐經學,並已從新的研究觀點來詮釋經典。因此,可以孫復作為「沉潛期」與「變革期」彼此間劃分的代表人物。據歐陽修〈孫明復先生墓誌銘〉所述,筆者認為可以孫復任國子監直講一事,作為北宋《春秋》學發展之重要斷限。至於此階段的治學特點即為學風的全然變革,《春秋》「宋學」至此正式成立。此一時期最重要的代表人物即為孫復與劉敞。 第三,則為「多元探究期」。此時期的時間劃分受限於資料亡佚,大概只能約略估算。若依《經義考》所列材料來推測其可能改變的時間點,起點介於劉敞之卒年(熙寧元年,1068)至朱長文元祐初(1086-1094)講學之際。其終點則至北宋末靖康二年(1127)為終止。此一時期在詮釋方法上,其特點即為開始提出如何運用三傳的解經方法,以及方法背後的複雜思考。 此外,另有程頤從理學思想出發,提出新的研究《春秋》的方式。他論學主透過「格物窮理」,藉此提示學者將義理反求己身,進而達到「默識心通」的自得境界。程頤將「理」、「天理」等概念引入《春秋》經文的詮釋中,不僅為現實王道提供了形上的本體論依據,更將《春秋》學發展與理學相互交融、滲透,並影響南宋《春秋》學的發展。 從孫覺、蘇轍、崔子方、張大亨等人提出的解經方法來看,隨著學術的深入推展,學者在解經時的思考愈加深入,並更自覺地從三傳特質、特點著眼來決定自身的詮釋路徑,反映出學者在解經方法上的複雜思考與歧異發展方向。故就此時期之治經成果來看,從解經路徑的歧異發展,莫衷一是,可以說該時期呈現出學者多元探究經義的複雜趨向,同時又表現在學者更加清楚自覺地掌握如何治經等問題。解經方法意識的逐步浮現、清晰,反映出北宋《春秋》學者能夠更加自主地詮解經義,以己意說經,以及對三傳特質、三傳解經角色的充分理解。影響所及,如何運用三傳詮釋經典或該依何種方式加以解經,成為日後研治《春秋》的必備課題。


春秋 春秋學 詮釋方法 孫復 劉敞 孫覺 蘇轍 崔子方 張大亨


In the Tang Dynasty, Dan Zhu(啖助), Zhao Kuang(趙匡), Lu Chun(陸淳) et al have proposed new research about how the study of Confucius' Spring and Autumn Annals. They demanded that the interpretation of the classic interpretation of line with scriptures original intention. Such research work style has a great impact on the study Confucius's Spring and Autumn Annals in the Northern Song Dynasty.Thus, scholars began to propose new doubts about how to study Confucius's Spring and Autumn Annals. They attempt to break through the traditional explanation from the three records or elucidations relative to events covered in Confucius’ Spring and Autumn Annals(春秋三傳). And intention to new research, the research point of view to deal with the classic problem of interpretation. In the Northern Song Dynasty, scholars create a new point of view, the way to interpret the classic. Initially, Sun Fu(孫復) advocate a new respect for the lord proposition in the Northern Song Dynasty. Subsequently, Liu Chang(劉敞) re-examine the error in the interpretation of Confucius's Spring and Autumn Annals. Liu Chang's death, Confucius's Spring and Autumn Annals of research development has undergone important changes. Scholars such as Sun Jue(孫覺), and Su Che(蘇轍), and Cui ZiFang(崔子方), Zhang DaHeng(張大亨)et al develop a new interpretation of the classic ways through the use of the three records or elucidations relative to events covered in Confucius's Spring and Autumn Annals. They are often expressed academic view in their writings in the preface or Postscripts. These views about how to study classical explain classic.In the interpretation of the classic, Su Che think that the research must be based primarily on Zuo Zhuan(左傳). Sun Jue believe the classic explain should be based primarily on Guliang(穀梁傳). Cui ZiFang strongly questioned the the various explanation of Confucius's Spring and Autumn Annals.He asked direct basis for the classic itself original intention, without the aid of other traditional explanation. Zhang DaHeng the one hand reference to the rules which govern form and arrangement of a book, on the one hand an attempt to go beyond the rules which govern form and arrangement of a book.These scholars who based on different perspectives and research methods developed a variety of interpretations of classic. In the era of the Northern Song Dynasty, they order in response to the current situation, and create a different interpretation of the traditional interpretation. Their writings, there are also differences in theory and practical outcomes.The results of these studies deeply affect the future in this field of academic development, until the late Qing Dynasty.


Sun Fu Liu Chang Sun Jue Su Che Cui ZiFang Zhang DaHeng


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