  • 學位論文


How Images of Organizations, Extent of Fit, and ConsumerCharacteristics affect the Consumption of Co-Branded Cards.

指導教授 : 黃恆獎


近幾年來『品牌聯盟』成為業界的熱門話題,然而這樣的趨勢不止於傳統及製造業的聯盟,其觸角已越來越廣泛的深入服務業之間的品牌聯盟及合作,尤其是市場競爭激烈的信用卡市場,銀行與特定商店之間聯盟所推出的聯名卡更成為當紅炸子雞,不僅為消費者提供獨特優惠及服務之外,同時也為兩家公司創造出新的商機。然而這樣的品牌聯盟的確能為兩家企業帶來形象及品牌權益的提升嗎?這樣的合作關係的確能強化消費者的消費行為嗎? 於是,在一連串的疑問下,本研究以品牌聯盟的方式建構出聯名卡對特定商店、發卡銀行的結構模型,同時納入消費者面因素進一步地探索組織形象、配適度及消費者特質對聯名卡的消費行為的研究,並採用LISREL的分析方式。本研究實証可歸納出以下幾點: 1.影響聯名卡形象最主要的因素來自於商店與銀行間的品牌配適 度及公司配適度。 2.當消費者對於聯名卡形象越好時,也將強化其使用意願,進而提高消費者增加 消費的行為產生。 3.聯名卡形象的提升不一定會正向強化對銀行及商店的品牌權益,還必須視消費 者的所有權效果而定。 4.品牌聯盟之後,銀行與商店之間品牌權益的交互作用必須視消費者所有權效果 而定。 5.所有權效果的確將影響聯盟後銀行與商店的品牌權益及消費者的消費行為。 6.消費者的衝動性特質的確會對實際的消費行為產生顯著影響。


“Co-Branded” have been popular issue in the industry in recent years. However, this trend of co-branded activities aren’t only exist in traditional and manufacture industry, but also extend into service industry, especially in credit card industry competitively, so that co-branded card that banks cooperate with special store to promote has became a topical subject. Co-Branded provides special service and premium for customers, and creates new opportunities for banks and stores. However, does the relationship of co-brandied activities really enhance brand image and brand equity of two companies? Does the relationship of cooperation strengthen comsumer behavior? Therefore, under a series of questions, the study attempts to build the structure model by the relationship of co-branded to seek the effect of consumer characteristics affect the consumption of co-branded cards. At the same time, the study also fits into comsumer side factors to understand that how images of organizations, extent of fit, and consumer characteristics affect the consumption of co-branded cards. The study adopts LISREL method to be a analysis tool. Therefore, the study can generalize several points, and the conclusions are as follows: 1. The main factor of affecting co-branded card image comes from the fit of brand and company between stores and banks. 2. The better the effect of consumers on co-branded card images, the stronger usage intentions of comsumers, and enhances the behaviors of increasing comsumption of consumers. 3. Improvement of co-branded image must depend on ownership effect to survey the positive relationship between banks and stores. 4. After co-branded activities, interaction effect between brand equity of stores and banks must depend on ownership effect. 5. Ownership effect really affects brand equity between stores and banks after co-branded and consumer behaviors. 6. Impulse characteristics of consumers really affect comsumer behavoiors.


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