  • 學位論文


Exhaled Air Volatile Organic Compounds Detection as an Index in Environmental Health - A Feasibility Study

指導教授 : 馬一中


本研究重點在於利用現有的儀器設備,偵測呼出氣體中所含揮發性有機物,並探討環境衛生上的應用。針對所偵測到的揮發性有機物進行物種鑑定,並比較抽菸者與非抽菸者的呼出VOCs的差異性。最後比較抽菸者抽菸前後的呼出VOCs,觀察相同時間間隔所測得的物種以及強度在抽菸前與抽菸後的變化情形。 本研究以採樣袋收集呼出氣體,再使用採樣幫浦以定流速抽出並通過複合床熱脫附採樣管採集呼出氣體中的揮發性有機物。樣品分析使用熱脫附儀並以低溫濃縮捕集裝置(-150℃)將VOCs濃縮,再以氣相層析質譜儀進行分析。在定性方面是將所得層析後的質譜圖經背景或部份重疊的干擾物去除後,與現有之標準圖譜資料庫(Wiley 275 Library)直接做搜尋與比對的工作。定量部份,以樣品於圖譜上的積分面積與內標準品的比值來推算,為semiquantitative(半定量)。 結果顯示由本採樣分析方法可偵測到170種以上的揮發性有機物,包括烷類、烯類、酮類、醛類、酯類、呋喃類、芳香族化合物、硫化物、含氯化合物、含氮化合物,以及其他無法直接由圖譜資料庫比對鑑定的未知物。收集抽菸者與非抽菸者的呼出氣體進行比較,發現有7種化合物僅在抽菸者的呼出氣體中出現,21種化合物在兩組間的比較達統計上的差異(P<0.05)。比較抽菸者抽菸前後呼出VOC的變化情形,結果顯示抽菸後大部分VOCs的訊號強度立即上升但亦快速下降。


This study was aimed to utilize the equipment in being to detect volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in exhaled air and apply it in environmental health. VOCs collected from smokers’ and nonsmokers’ exhaled air were identified and compared. The VOCs’ patterns in smokers’ exhaled air before and after smoking were observed. This study employed sampling bags to collect exhaled air and used multi-bed sorbent traps and sampling pump to concentrate VOCs. The VOCs sample was thermal desorbed and focused by a cryogenic trap, then analyzed by GC/MS. In identification, after background or overlapping peak subtraction, mass spectrum of each compound was identified by Wiley 275 library. The ratio of compound peak integrating area and internal standard peak integrating area was used to estimate the relative abundance of the VOCs (semiquantitative). About 170 VOCs were detected, including alkanes, alkenes, ketone, aldehyde, ester, furan, aromatics, sulfur compounds, chlorinate species, nitrogen containing species, and some unidentified species. Comparing smokers’ and nonsmokers’ exhaled air, 7 compounds were detected only in smoker’s sample, and 21 compounds were significantly (P<0.05) different between two groups. When the patterns of VOCs in smokers’ exhaled air before and after smoking were studied, we found that most of the VOCs’ abundance increased in exhaled air immediately after smoking, but rapidly decreased after 10 min.


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