  • 學位論文


A Study of Planning and Application Strategies of Constructed Wetland in Kinmen

指導教授 : 曾四恭


隨著環保意識的抬頭及永續發展觀念的提升,為能有效去除廢污水中之污染物,並維持良好的生態環境,世界各國均有學者專家紛紛投入研究如何使用最符合自然的技術來處理廢污水中的污染物。其中研究最為廣泛的就是利用人工溼地系統來處理廢污水中的污染物質,其原理是利用溼地中之物理、化學與生物作用來去除污水中污染物質,由於具有省能源、低成本、無二次污染、操作維護簡單等優點,並能有效的淨化水質,是一種相當經濟的水質淨化技術。 由於金門地區污水下水道系統之建設係以飲用水水源保護為主要考量,因此目前已完工或進行中之相關污水下水道系統建設,多集中於人口聚集之市區及自來水水源之地面湖庫周邊。其餘地區,除六處人口較為集中之聚落有規劃專用下水道系統外,其餘地區,污水下水道系統的規劃、建設仍遙不可及。因此造成許多的家庭污水無法有效處理,於排放後之污水流入池塘或滲入地下,造成地面水及地下水體之污染,甚至影響到自來水供水湖庫的水質。 因此本研究利用國內外人工溼地的應用案例與研究成果,並以人工溼地作為金門未規劃污水下水道系統地區及獨立聚落的生活污水處理方案,以進行金門地區人工溼地規劃與應用之SWOT 分析,然後研擬金門地區人工溼地之規劃與應用策略與方案,並以實際案例規劃,分析人工溼地作為處理生活污水可行規劃策略,提供金門相似環境地區日後規劃與應用人工溼地之參考。


人工溼地 策略 SWOT分析


Consider about sustainable development, treat wastewater effectively, and maintain a nice ecological system, there were many scholars and experts began to research the natural technology for wastewater treatment. The constructed wetland are an excellent option of natural technology because they are low in cost and in maintenance requirements, offer good performance, and provide a natural appearance. Constructed wetland rely upon natural microbial, biological, physical and chemical processes to treat the pollutant in wastewater, is a kind of economic technology for water polishing. Because the sewerage systems in Kinmen protects the source of drinking water mainly, so the sewerage systems construction while already completing or going on at present, concentrate in perimeters of the lake and the urban areas where population gathers. Other areas, the planning of the sewerage system are still out of reach. And cause a lot of domestic wastewater unable to be treated suitably, the sewage discharging and flows into the ponds or infiltrates into underground, and pollute the surface water and groundwater, even influence the water quality that water supply. This study utilizes the case study of constructed wetland, and regard constructed wetland as a schem for domestic wastewater where has not planned the sewerage system in Kinmen, and use SWOT analysis of planning and application of constructed wetland, then make the planning strategies of constructed wetland in Kinmen, and plan the real case , analyse the feasible planning strategies of constructed wetland for domestic wastewater treatment, as a planning sample and the reference for the similar environmental situation in Kinmen in the future .


Constructed wetland Strategies SWOT


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Davis, L.,1995.A Handbook of Constructed Wetlands.


