  • 學位論文


The Regionalization Strategy of Telecom Carriers:A Case Study on SingTel

指導教授 : 李吉仁


由於電信技術的飛躍革新,諸如數位、衛星、光纖通訊的發明,以及電信市場的解除管制,造成了近年來電信服務業的快速變革與蓬勃發展。尤其是電信自由化風潮的興起,各國陸續放寬電信經營管制,開放電信市場,促使各電信服務業者無不爭相藉由海外市場的擴張來壯大自己的電信版圖。當大多數的電信服務領導廠商積極地奉行全球化的海外擴張策略時,SingTel卻將其國際化策略由全球化修改為區域化,並藉此達成營收與獲利增長的目標。 本研究以SingTel為個案研究對象,欲藉此了解電信服務業者的區域化策略內涵,並檢視SingTel區域化策略之成效以及其在區域化上所遭遇之困難與挑戰,期望以此研究成果作為同屬島國型經濟體且資源和規模有限的台灣之電信服務業者在訂定國際化策略時之參考。 本研究的結果發現:(1) SingTel區域化策略成果顯著,且區域化比全球化有效。(2) SingTel區域化的成功在於充分運用「非附著於地區的企業特有優勢」,即其經營電信業務之核心能耐、建立有效的執行機制和訂定明確的策略雄心,佐以善用海外市場的在地知識以尋求「附著於地區的企業特有優勢」,並藉由建置綿密的亞太區域網路、專注於亞太地區的海外投資和創造區域綜效的機制來發展出「附著在區域的企業特有優勢」。(3) SingTel必須藉由持續強化其核心能耐,透過不斷地進步來拉大與合作夥伴以及競爭者的差距,以面對模仿、替代、套牢、懈怠之威脅,如此才能維持其長期競爭優勢。 據此,本研究建議台灣電信服務業者應藉由區域化策略來行積極地海外擴張,以持續成長與增強其競爭力。此外,我國的電信服務業者應掌握數位匯流的趨勢所帶來的機會,積極尋找具有競爭力的商業模式,藉以提昇經營電信業務的核心能耐,增強區域化的競爭力。


Driven by the rapid progress of technology development, as well as the deregulation policy in many countries, the telecommunication service industry has kept booming and experienced various reforms during the past few years. By taking advantage of the privatization and deregulation in telecom markets, many leading telecom carriers have been aggressively expanding overseas. While most competitors are focusing on globalization, SingTel undertook a regionalization strategy to achieve sales growth and improve her profitability. By investigating the regionalization development of SingTel, this research aimed to depict the building blocks of the regional strategy for telecom carriers. We would also analyze SingTel's performance of regionalization in terms of financial results and the recognition rendered by the third parties. Furthermore, we would explore obstacles and key challenges which SingTel encounters. Hopefully, our research results can contribute to the internationalization of Taiwan's telecommunication service providers. Our research found that the performance of SingTel's regionalization is outstanding and the regional strategy is more effective than the global strategy for telecom carriers. The success of SingTel's regionalization can be attributed to its full utilization of “non-location-bound FSAs”, which comprise of the leverage of core competencies, the ability of effective execution and a clear strategic intent, a good use of “location-bound FSAs” by taking good advantage of local talents and building a good local network with mutual respect and trust, and the establishment of “region-bound FSAs” including the intensive infrastructure across the Asia Pacific, the concentration of FDIs within the region, and the creation of regional synergies. To sustain its competitive advantages, SingTel has to keep strengthening its core competencies and maintain its added-value to strategic partners for outperforming its competitors and dealing with the threats of imitation, substitution, holdup and slack. Accordingly, we suggest Taiwan’s telecom service providers to adopt regionalization strategy as their major approach to internationalization. Moreover, they should explore the potential business model valuable in the age of digital convergence in order to enhance their competitive advantages.


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