  • 學位論文

台灣地區公有民營垃圾焚化廠 操作營運成本探討

A study of management cost of the OT municipal waste incinerators in Taiwan

指導教授 : 鄭福田


台灣地區推動大型都市垃圾焚化廠興建計畫,自民國76年7月台北市內湖廠開工開始,預定總共將完成26座,至96年為止共有22座大型垃圾焚化廠完工營運,其中15座以公有民營方式營運,已有研究指出,現階段我國垃圾焚化廠之經營仍以「公有民營」型態較為適合。另由操作成本與營運績效考量,顯示公有民營模式辦理垃圾焚化廠公共工程是成功的,其營運績效較公有公營佳且為業主帶來可觀效益,可以預見日後垃圾焚化廠之營運方式將會以民營為主。然而由於近年來環保署成功推動資源回收、垃圾減量政策,101年以後也將陸續有焚化廠屆齡,因此屆齡後之垃圾焚化廠將何去何從,應開始進行因應對策評估。 焚化廠屆齡後因應方案評估或環保署制訂資源回收及垃圾處理政策,垃圾處理成本為最重要評估因子之一,既然焚化廠操作模式以公有民營操作模式佔最高比例,也有研究指出最適合台灣,所以本研究由公有民營模式營運相關法律規定、委託服務契約內容、焚化廠之基本設計與處理流程、營運組織架構及文獻回顧方式,探討影響營運成本之因素,進而界定環保局及代操作營運機構各自在監督或營運公有民營焚化廠之「成本因子」,另一方面,依據公有民營焚化廠操作現況及本研究蒐集部分環保局與代作營運機構之投入經費資料,比較分析各種因子對不同處理容量、有無代處理一般事業廢棄物、售電所得、契約保證量等之影響程度進行比較分析並提出建議。 研究結果顯示,公有民營垃圾焚化廠之操作成本應包括人事費、委託代操作服務費、灰渣清理費、回饋金、委託顧問機構協助監督費用等五項基本項目,但各廠設計處理容量、基本設計、餘裕量、是否參與分配售電所得及是否授權操作商收受代處理事業廢棄物暨其進廠數量均影響操作服務費價金,而將契約還原售電所得100%歸操作商,300公噸/日規模廠為1,132.2元/公噸,600公噸/日規模廠為 597.4元/公噸,900公噸/日規模廠284.6元/公噸,1,350公噸/日規模廠之操作服務費為-28.3元/公噸,推論除因較大處理容量具有較經濟之單位操作營運成本外,並可獲得較大售電所得與代處理事業廢棄物收入所致。操作商成本主要為人事費、操作費及維修保養費佔90%以上,穩定操作之售電所得與代處理事業廢棄物收入為操作商利潤主要來源;操作費中又以化學藥品費用佔比例最高,由於各廠操作條件大不相同,建議各廠應針對身操作條件確實檢視並核算最佳加藥量,避免浪費藥品成本外,也相對減少飛灰產量,降低飛灰處理成本與環境衝擊。 關鍵字:公有民營、都市垃圾焚化爐、營運成本、成本因子、操作契約


To dispose the tremendous amount of garbage produced everyday, Taiwan government has been implementing the policy to build 26 large-scale modern municipal incineration plants for the past two decades. With Nei-Hu Incinerator first being built in 1986, a total of 22 incineration plants has been completed and put into operation. Among them, 15 incinerators are Operation-Transfer (OT) plants. Studies have suggested that compared with Public-Own-Operate (POO) management, OT is more successful and creates more profits. Therefore, it is predicted that OT will still be the main operation mode for incineration plants built in Taiwan. However, due to the successful promotion of resource recycling and waste reduction, and the forthcoming phasing-out of these incineration plants after 2012, it is time for the government to start to reconsider the incinerator policies. When the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) evaluates existing incinerator policies or makes resource recycling and waste disposal plans, waste treatment cost is undoubtedly the most important factor to be taken into consideration. Now that Operate-Transfer is the most common and a very effective operation mode for the incineration plants in Taiwan, this study focuses on analyzing the cost factors of EPB of the local governments and the operation & maintainer enterprises under the OT management mode. The cost factor analysis is based on reviewing OT operation and management laws and regulations, authorization contracts, basic design of the incinerators, the waste disposal process, operational organization, and related research and studies. Besides, this study also collect data from the operating incinerators and compares other factors such as their capacity, business waste disposal, and electricity output profit to find out about the efficiency of the incinerators. This study finds that the expenditure of an OT incinerator includes mainly the staff cost, operation service cost, ash treatment cost, feedback fund, and supervision service cost. In addition to the capacity of the incinerator and its basic design, the operation service cost depends on how much profit the operation enterprises can make from electricity output and how much business waste they dispose. It is shown that the bigger the capacity of an incinerator is and the more profit is earned from electricity output and business waste disposal, the higher efficiency the incinerator has. As for the operation enterprises, 90% of the expenditure comes from the staff cost, the operation cost and the maintenance cost, and a high percentage of the operation cost is the cost paid on chemicals. Therefore, it is suggested that the operation enterprises should calculate and find out he proper amount of chemicals they should put in while disposing waste. This can not only avoid wasting chemicals, but also reduce ash production and thus save the following treatment cost. Keyword:Operation-Transfer、Municipal incineration plants、Cost factors、 Operation & maintainer cost、Operation & maintainer contract


3.環境保護20年回顧與展望 2007 行政院環境保護署p-233、p-253 p-261
10.「國家環境保護計畫」 1998 行政院環境保護署
16.垃圾焚化廠委託操作管理應行注意事項 2001行政院環境保護署


