  • 學位論文


Mixing at Arbitrary Proportion on the Digital Microfluidic Device for Environmental Fragrance Control

指導教授 : 范士岡


本研究主要目標是設計出可程式的微環境氣氛數位操控裝置。與傳統芳香裝置相比,可利用少量的精油且快速達到芳香的效果。利用液體介電泳(Liquid Dielectrophoresis, LDEP)操控多種具有獨特氣味的精油微液滴,搭配已定義的電極快速混合出特定比例的氣味微液滴,調配出個人化的專屬味道,藉由焦耳熱將混合後的氣味微液滴揮發到微環境中,在特定的空間,達到控制微環境氣氛的目地。首先,我們選擇Orange Sweet、Palmarosa、Cloves Claws (from Forihana Co.)三種精油代表前味、中味和後味的基本氣味精油,藉由雷射加工設計出的入孔道置入兩平行板結構之數位微液滴操控裝置上,30


We present a digital-microfluidic (DMF) platform able to manipulate varied droplets of essential oils to program personal and regional fragrance. On this platform, three essential oils were tested, including orange, palmrose and clove, that represent top, middle and base notes of fragrance, respectively. The essential oil droplets (volume 40 nL) were generated and then mixed at arbitrary ratios by the liquid dielectrophoresis (LDEP) force. The fragrance was released along with the time by resistive heating. By employing DMF, minute volume of the essential oil droplets are driven, offering a programmable fragrance with a finer time resolution. In this prototype, we attempt to encode fragrance with the three basic notes, as image is composed of three primary colors and sound is made up with the seven basic notes. Herein, we used this platform to independently generate 40 nL essential oil droplets in the 40


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