  • 學位論文

國小輔導人員專業化研究(1991-2013): 歷史制度論的分析

Study on Professionalization of Taiwan’s Elementary school Counselor System(1991 - 2013): A Historical Instiutionalism Perspective

指導教授 : 陳明通 周繼祥


本論文採用歷史制度論的方法,說明從 1991 年~2013 年國小輔導人員專業化 的過程。1991 年所施行輔導工作六年計畫希望培育專業輔導人才,一方面也希望 一般教師全面參與輔導知能研習;1998 年教育部推動教訓輔三合一實驗方案則希 望全體教師皆具有輔導理念及能力,並參與認輔工作;而 2013 年教育部送行政院 審議的學生輔導法草案,則希望輔導人力能夠專業化。 本論文將藉由歷史制度論的方法,來分析偶發事件對制度所產生的影響,透 過行動者彼此間的交互作用,使得決策者在轉折點,作出特定的決策,使制度產 生改變。所採用的研究方法除了文本搜集外,亦訪談相關行動者,瞭解其行動過 程外,更進一步瞭解其採取此項行動的原因。 研究發現輔導人力制度受到外在環境變化的影響,使得輔導人力制度無法因 應環境變化而暴露其缺失,而行動者利用不同的偶發事件乘機而起,使得輔導人 力制度產生改變。最後則對於學生輔導法的修法,提出以下三點政策建議,供相 關單位參考:增加專任輔導教師員額編制、鼓勵輔導教師取得心理諮商師證照, 及希望建立良好的甄選、研習及督導機制,使得輔導效能得以發揮。


This research adopted an approach of historical institutionalism to investigate professionalization of counseling staff in elementary schools from 1991 to 2013. The six-year counseling program carried out in 1991 was to develop counseling professionals as well as provide workshops for educators. The teaching, discipline and consultation (3 in 1) experiment program promoted by the Ministry of Education in 1998 was designed to help teachers develop counseling knowledge and abilities and to encourage them to engage in voluntary counseling. The student counseling bill proposed by the Ministry of Education in 2013 aimed to professionalize counseling practitioners. From the perspective of historical institutionalism, the current research analyzed the effects of sequence of contingent events on the institution. The events evolved into a turning point as a result of the efforts of actors and their mutual influences, driving decision makers to enact specific policies, which in turn alter the institution. The research method in the current study includes a review of related documents and in-person interviews with actors. The data from the interviews provided more in-depth understanding about the processes of the incidents and the motives behind the actions. The current research revealed that the institution of counseling is subject to the influence of external environments. However, a major weakness associated with the institution of counseling arose while it failed to respond the external changes. The alteration in the institution resulted from the incidents initiated by some actors. As for the student counseling bill, the current research raised three propositions: (1) increase staffing for full-time school counselors; (2) encourage school counselors to acquire the counseling psychology certificate; (3) establish well-designed procedures of selection,training and development, and evaluation in order to attain the effectiveness of counseling.


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