  • 學位論文

併用脈衝式電場膠體電泳及單一酵素增幅DNA片段長度多型性區別 豬霍亂沙氏桿菌多重抗藥性

Combination of Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis and Single-Enzyme Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism for Differentiation of Multiresistant Salmonella enterica serovar Choleraesuis

指導教授 : 張照夫


豬霍亂沙氏桿菌 (Salmonella enterica serovar Choleraesu is; SC ),常引起保育豬及前期肉豬發生敗血症、肺炎、下痢及人系統性感染。近年國內外報告指出由豬及人臨床分離之SC具多重抗藥性 (multidrug-resistant; MDR),並認為人源之抗藥基因系由豬源菌所傳遞。為了解豬源及人源菌株間的抗藥性關係。併用脈衝式電場膠體電泳 (pulsed-field gel electrophoresis; PFGE) 及單一酵素增幅DNA片段長度多型性 (single-enzyme amplified fragment length polymorphism; SAFLP) 等技術來區別豬源及人源多重抗藥性菌株間的差異,檢測97株台灣臨床分離SC,豬源 79株及人源 18株皆具多重抗藥性及具多重抗藥譜,共有35種不同多重抗藥譜。其中,豬與人分離株有5種多重抗藥譜相同: ACepCECpLGNaSSxtT, ACepCECpLNaSSxtT, ACECpLGNaSSxtT, ACECpLNaSSxt, ACGNaSSxtT。具相同抗藥譜之豬與人分離株其質體輪廓型別及PFGE基因型、SAFLP型皆顯著不同。SAFLP型別僅15株豬源、8株人源SC相同,其餘菌株皆相異。此外,全部菌株共有69型質體輪廓、51型PFGE基因型及60型SAFLP基因型相繼被分離出,結合PFGE及SAFLP基因型其結果顯示每株菌其基因型皆不同,豬與人分離株其部份表現型 (多重抗藥譜) 或基因型呈現相同時其所有基因型分型結果未必相同,結合多重抗藥譜、質體輪廓型別、PFGE及SAFLP基因型等分型結果可證實人源株之多重抗藥基因並非全由豬源株傳遞。


Salmonella enterica serovar Choleraesuis (SC) is an important bacterial pathogen, which is usually causes septicaemia, pneumonia and diarrhea in nursery or grower pigs and systemic infection in humans bacteremia and metastatic focal infections. Recently, it has been reported showed that most of the swine and human Salmonella isolates had mutiresistant. To trace the clonal relationship between swine and human isolates. For their antimicrobiol agents、pulsed-fied gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and Single-Enzyme Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (SAFLP) were used to differentiate the multiresistant pattern of the 97 isolates with thirty-five different antibiograms. However, were five different antimicrograms, which were ACepCECpLGNaSSxtT, ACECpLGNaSSxtT, ACepCECpLNaSSxtT, ACECpLNaS- SxtT, ACGNaSSxtT. Their are isolates with the same antibiogram but are different plasmid and PFGE profiles. Fifteen of the swine isolates and fourteen of the human isolates shared five different antimicrograms. Sixty-nine plasmid profile、fifty-one PFGE profiles and sixty SAFLP profiles were detected from the 97 SC isolates. Most of the animals and human strains showed different PFGE pattern.We also found that 15 swine and 8 human isolates shared the same SAFLP pattern. In conclusion, all of isolates have different plasmid and PFGE profiles. 15 swine and 8 human shared a common SAFLP pattern. All 97 isolates had different in combination PFGE and SAFLP genotyping. The application of antibiogram, plasmid profile, PFGE and SAFLP in dicated that not all human isolates came from swine.


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