  • 學位論文

一、台北三座都市垃圾焚化廠周邊三十六所國民小學大氣戴奧辛與重金屬調查研究二、都市垃圾焚化爐是否導致學童呼吸道疾病? 三座焚化廠周邊地區十二所國小流行病學研究

I.Air Dioxins and Heavy Metals of the 36 Primary Schools Surrounding Three Municipal Waste Incinerators in Taipei II.Do Municipal Waste Incinerators Induce Adverse Respiratory Effects In School Children? An Epidemiological Study of 12 Primary Schools in the Vicinity of Three Municipal Waste Incinerators

指導教授 : 陳保中


一 焚化爐是現代都市處理垃圾的趨勢,但都市垃圾焚化爐產生的污染問題卻也同時影響了週邊居民的健康。本研究嘗試利用現場的採樣分析評估焚化廠的空氣污染物質在週邊地區的分布情形,並探討採樣物質與焚化廠的關聯性。 我們選擇了位於同一都市中的三座都市垃圾焚化爐作為研究標的,並分別針對三座焚化爐進行空氣污染物質的採樣。本研究以距離為依據選取適當之採樣點,我們選取距離焚化廠二公里內的採樣點作為高暴露區採樣點,選擇距離焚化廠三公里以上的採樣點作為低暴露區採樣點。每一座焚化廠分別選取了四個高暴露採樣點及八個低暴露採樣點。 參考過去國際間針對焚化爐的研究,我們選擇了大氣中的氣相及固相戴奧辛以及懸浮微粒中的重金屬作為採樣目標物質,並嘗試以之作為焚化廠的排放指標。其中針對懸浮微粒我們分別採集了PM1、PM2.5與PM10三種粒徑,然後進一步分析其中的重金屬成分。我們在六月及九月分別於三廠進行採樣,包含四個高暴露採樣點及八個低暴露採樣點,進行同步的採樣。採樣及分析則依照台灣行政院環境保護署公告的標準方法進行。但其中低暴露採樣點的懸浮微粒採樣僅選擇八點中的四點進行。 在第一季採樣結果方面,第一廠廠區戴奧辛濃度範圍為0.039~0.085 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3,中位數濃度為0.068 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3,第二廠廠區戴奧辛濃度範圍為0.044~0.060 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3,中位數濃度為0.049 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3,第三廠廠區戴奧辛濃度範圍為0.039~0.254 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3,中位數濃度為0.081 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3。第二季採樣結果方面,第一廠廠區戴奧辛濃度範圍為0.044~0.066 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3,中位數濃度為0.053 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3,第二廠廠區戴奧辛濃度範圍為0.022~0.085 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3,中位數濃度為0.053 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3,第三廠廠區戴奧辛濃度範圍為0.059~0.896 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3,中位數濃度為0.183 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3。根據特徵分析的結果,各採樣點戴奧辛的指紋比對結果與焚化廠的特徵相似。而兩季重金屬的分析結果方面我們分別於分析了PM1、PM2.5與PM10中的鉻、鎘、鉛、銅、鎳和鋅,初步發現PM2.5與PM10中的鉻、PM10中的鎳和PM2.5與PM10中的鋅,隨著與焚化廠距離的增加而濃度下降。我們以第二廠為對照加上月別和距離等三個變項,利用統計方法linear regression model進一步分析採樣結果。我們發現戴奧辛、PM1與PM2.5中的鋅在距離變項上,有顯著相關(p=0.069、0.037、0.067)。此一結果與本研究的假說具有一致性,焚化廠周界的戴奧辛與鋅濃度變化與距離具有相關性。 二 近年來關於都市垃圾焚化廠對於其周邊地區不良呼吸健康效應的研究並不多,我們嘗試以具有代表性的族群配合環境採樣、肺弁鉥


重金屬 焚化爐 戴奧辛


I. This study aimed to assess the characteristics of municipal waste incinerator’s emission in its vicinity by on site air sampling, and to understand the relationship between the compounds measured and municipal waste incinerator (MWI). We chose three MWIs in Taipei city, and divided them into three groups. In each one we chose four sites within two kilometers from the MWI as high exposure group. In the meantime, we chose eight sites at a distance from the MWI at least three kilometers as low exposure group. According to results of recent published studies, we chose gaseous and solid dioxins in the air and heavy metals in particular matter (PM) as our targets of air sampling, and used them as the indexes of MWI’s emission. For sampling of PM, we collected PM1, PM2.5 and PM10, and analyzed their heavy metal constituents. All procedures followed the standard method of Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration. Sampling of PM in low exposure group was done only in four sites for the low exposure group. In June 2003, the concentrations of dioxin were 0.039~0.085 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3 in site 1, with a median of 0.068 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3. The results of site 2 were 0.044~0.060 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3, with a median of 0.049 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3, and values of dioxin were 0.039~0.254 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3 in site 3, with a median of 0.081 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3.In September 2003, the values of dioxin were 0.044~0.066 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3 in site 1, with a median of 0.053 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3. The concentrations of site 2 were 0.022~0.085 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3, the median was 0.053 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3, and values of dioxin were 0.059~0.896 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3 in site 3, the median was 0.183 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3. According to the results of principal component analysis, the characteristics of dioxins sampling sites were similar to those measured in the MWIS’. We also found that the concentration of chromium in PM2.5 and PM10, concentration of nickel in PM10 and concentration of zinc in PM2.5 and PM10decreased as the distance from the MWI increased. We used linear regression models to analyze the results of sampling, we found that dioxins and zinc in PM1 and PM2.5 were significant associations (p=0.069, 0.037, 0.067) with the distance from the MWIs. Although the concentrations of air dioxins were lower in Taipei than in previous studies, MWIs were the major source of dioxins for the 36 primary schools surrounding the incinerators. The seasons and distance may be the most important predictors of MWI emissions. II. There were studies about MWI’s influences on respiratory health. We tried to clarify the relationship between municipal waste incinerators (MWI) and the adverse respiratory effects. This was a cross sectional study. We chose three MWIs in similar social economical stat. For each MWI we chose two primary schools within two kilometer from the MWI as the exposure group and two primary schools at least two kilometer from the MWI as reference group. For these 12 schools, we finished twice air sampling of gaseous and solid dioxins in June and September, and used it as the indicators for the emission of MWIs. For each MWI, we chose two schools from exposure/reference group by the results of sampling. We chose two schools with high dioxin concentration as exposure group for questionnaire survey. Two schools with low dioxin concentration were chosen as reference group. We used the written questionnaire from International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) in Chinese version. For each school, we randomly chose a class per grade (1st ~6th). We totally finished 1927 valid questionnaires, (1 class × 6 grades × 4 schools × 3 MWIs) and response rate was 99.6%. After the questionnaire survey, we selected half of them for pulmonary function test. We did the test at the same class, but we only did it at middle and high grades (3rd ~6th). Two technicians used dry-rolling seal system equipment to measure all students under ATS criteria (1994). We finished 683 children and response rate was 98.4%. The result of sampling on dioxin was consistent with the prediction of distance in each group of the MWI. The values of dioxin were 0.01~0.3171 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3 , mean of all exposure group was 0.053 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3, the mean of all reference group was 0.030 pg-TEQ(I-TEF)/m3. When comparing two groups’ information from questionnaires, there was no discrepancy on children’s age, gender and potential air pollutants from their own houses. The mean of prevalence of asthma, were 13.9% and 11.9%, for all exposure groups and all reference groups. After controlled gender, grade, mothers education, home smoking, having hairy pet, having poultry, carpet, burning incense at home, using coil incense, molds and its odor, exposure group had higher risk than reference group (odds ratio, OR=1.46 and 95% confidence interval, 95% CI: 1.05,2.03). We found the mean value of all exposure groups was 88%(FEV1/FVC) and all references were 89%(FEV1/FVC). After controlling for gender and grade, exposure group had similar risk with reference group (odds ratio, OR=0.78 and 95% confidence interval, 95%CI: 0.37,1.66) Emissions from MWIs might have a slightly adverse respiratory effect in children. However, the role of exposure misclassification and chance should be considered.


dioxins heavy metals incinerator


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