  • 學位論文


A Study of Building Rainwater Permeation and Catchment Planning-The Case of “Public Building Courtyard” in Ka-Lu-Lan District, Taitung

指導教授 : 韓選棠博士


由於全球水資源日趨匱乏,世界各國紛紛探討不同的基地保水及雨水儲留再利用的設計與技術,以期盡可能的留住每一滴水,使之入滲大地作有效的儲留與再利用。 以台灣地區年降雨量 2510 公釐而言,水資源理當不匱乏,但因地形陡峭、河川湍急,以致蓄積不易。依照過去的統計,大約僅能蓄留年總逕流量的18 %。而長年以來由於豐枯水期雨量的不均勻分布,加上土地過度的開發,並大量使用不透水材料,致使淹水與缺水二大問題不斷交替發生。 其中,一般傳統建築庭院本應具有可調節基地自然環境微氣候之功能,但由於開發不當而失去其原有透水特性,成為阻礙自然水循環作用,並進而導致都市熱島效應及都市洪災的重要原因之一。 本研究以西元 2000 年萬國博覽會的德國自然生態示範社區-科貝城區為案例做為研究對象。因該社區所呈現的「基地保水及雨水儲集設計系統概念」,乃屬德國較新思維的雨水處理方式,改變了過去的以排水為主的設計想法,改用使基地具備滲水、儲水及雨水可再利用等多功能之新設計模式,引進這種新觀念將有助於使國內一般建築庭院中的地表土壤增加雨水入滲的機會,減緩地表逕流量,改善「水循環」作用,還能有效地回收並過濾地表雨水,使之於再利用方面更具多元性。 為配合國內綠建築設計概念的推動,本研究除針對建築庭院雨水滲透與儲集系統之規劃進行探討外,同時結合實際案例的操作,嘗試提出一項可行的相關設計建議模式,從鋪面、排溝、陰井、滯留滲透池、景觀儲留池及雨水回收儲集水池系統等六個方面進行探討,以進一步探討並驗證國外經驗在國內採用之可行性。 本研究最後以政府所頒訂之綠建築設計之基地保水指標(2003年更新版)中相關規定進行計算評估,以檢核該案例之基地保水效益與合法性。評估結果不但能符合法規,還優於其規定。而且本案例於施工完成後曾經歷過一次颱風大雨(2003.09.05)之驗証,結果顯示:本規劃系統能夠發揮其滲透與儲集之功能,證明所建議模式實屬可行,謹提供國內相關人士作為未來規劃有關課題上的參考 。


Due to the global deficiency of water resources, most countries probe into design techniques and building site rainwater preservation and recycling techniques, in order to maximize water preservation and to effectively preserve and recycle permeate water resources. Taiwan has an annual precipitation of 2510 millimeter, theoretically, water resource should not be a problem; but due to the precipitous topography, short but rapid river flow, water preservation is not an easy task. According to past statistics, only approximately 18% of the total annual flow rate can be preserved. Moreover, an uneven distribution of rain between rain and dry seasons in the past years, over-developed land, and wide use of impermeable materials, have contributed to the cause of two major problems, floods and water shortage, that often occur alternately. Traditional courtyards usually have the function to modulate the microclimate where the building is located. This traditional technique is lost through inadequate development hindering the natural water cycle, and is one of the major reasons to cause urban heat island effect and floods in urban area. This study will discuss the German eco-community, the city of Kronsberg as presented in EXPO 2000. The new German rainwater process systems presented by the above mentioned city, are a manifested design concept of site water catchment, preservation and recycle system, which altered the past drainage design concept, and the design enables permeate water recycling, water storage among other functions. This new concept is very effective for increasing rainwater infiltration in domestic courtyard constructions, reducing the surface water runoff, improving rainwater recycling, and hence to bring about a further multiplicity in reuse. In order to accord with the promotion of domestic green building design concepts, this study will probe into the layout of courtyard permeation and catchment system, but also implementing actual projects to try to result with a feasible design model to including the following six aspects: pavements, gutter, maintenance well、permeation reservoirs、landscape water pool、rainwater catchment pool and recycle system. Finally, the study includes an assessment of the relevant contents promulgated by the government in its green building design site water maintain index (modified version of 2003), to further discuss and examine legality and benefits of maintaining site water. The evaluation resulted that it not only accord with the law, but exceeds it. In addition, after the construction finished, the site experienced typhoon and heavy rain conditions, and results show that this system has sufficient permeation and catchment functions, hence assures the practicality and feasibility of the recommended model. The purpose of this study is to serve as reference guideline for the future planning and design projects for industry and academic circles in Taiwan.


19. 吳麗真,鄉鎮基地保水性能之研究「以台南縣麻豆鎮、官田鄉、六甲鄉為例」<碩士論文>,2003.08.19.
17. 林子平,都市水循環之研究-地表不透水率之調查及逕流量實测解析,2002.06,p.53~54
36.Bayerishes Staatsministerium des Innern Oberste Baubehorde(德國巴伐
1. 行政院,「台灣地區水資源開發綱領計畫」,2001.


