  • 學位論文


The Distribution of Haloacetic Acids within Drinking Water Treatment Process in Taiwan

指導教授 : 童心欣


為了確保飲用水安全,抑制水中的病原菌。淨水流程中會添加消毒劑殺菌。目前大部分之淨水場所使用的消毒劑為含氯之消毒劑,然而消毒劑抑制水中微生物的同時也會和水中的天然有機物(Nature Organic Matter, NOM)生成消毒副產物(Disinfection By-Products, DBPs)。通常含氯消毒劑所生成之消毒副產物中,三鹵甲烷(Trihalomethanes, THMs)為主要之生成物質,而鹵化乙酸(Haloacetic acid, HAAs)次之(以重量比)。美國環保署於1992年所提出之“消毒劑與消毒副產物法”(Disinfectant-Disinfection By-Product Rule)中規範了第一階段五種鹵乙酸最大容許總濃度為60μg/L。   本研究使用了美國環保署公告之Method 552.3分析九種鹵乙酸。選擇台灣地區五個淨水場進行了春季以及夏季兩季淨水場處理單元全流程鹵乙酸採樣分析。這五個水場包括了基隆新山淨水場、台南潭頂淨水場、高雄鳳山淨水場、澎湖成功淨水場、澎湖望安淨水場。針對這五個淨水場基本水質特性以及處理單元探討與鹵乙酸之間的關係。結果發現夏季水場中的鹵乙酸濃度普遍高於冬季。而以此五水場所在位置來看,鹵乙酸濃度由高至低依序為外島水場、台灣南部、台灣北部。本研究發現,針對快濾淨水流程,此五個水場可分為兩類,一者為經過快濾流程後鹵乙酸濃度有著明顯的降解,另一者經過快濾流程後鹵乙酸濃度依舊沒有太大的變化。本研究試著探討快濾池對於鹵乙酸影響之原因,以期能夠在最少工程變動下,亦能夠達到控制鹵乙酸的效果。


鹵化乙酸 淨水流程


Disinfectants are used in water treatment to control the pathogens, in order to ensure the safety of drinking water. Most water treatment plants use chlorine as the disinfectant. The disinfectant not only kills the pathogenic bacteria but also reacts with the nature organic matter(NOM)to form Disinfection By-Products(DBPs). The trihalomethanes(THMs) and haloacetic acids(HAAs)are the two groups of major DBPs when using chlorine as the disinfectant. The United States Environmental Protection Agency(U.S. EPA)promulgated the Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts rules and the maximum contaminant level for five HAAs is 60μg/L. Five water treatment plants selected and water samples were collected from each treatment process in spring and summer. The EPA Method 552.3 was used to analyze HAA concentrations. The objective of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of water treatment process in removing HAAs. The results showed that the HAA concentrations in summer were higher than in the spring season. The highest HAA concentrations was found in Peng Hu. The rapid sand filtration process in some water treatment plants contributed in removing partial HAAs , especially dichloroacetic acids.


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