  • 學位論文


The Relationship beteween Administrative Litigation and Civil Infringement Suit of Interrectual Property -Focus on the issue of Patent Validity and Amendment ti Patent Claims

指導教授 : 黃銘傑


在現今高度科技發展的社會下,保護智慧財產權之議題之重要性日益重要,如何妥善保障智慧財產權人之權益,促進各種創新之發展,並且因智慧財產權商品更新汰換迅速,如何避免智慧財產權人因訴訟程序等之繁瑣,導致實質上其權益之保護落空,成為重要之議題。 本篇論文以促進落實保障智慧財產權人之權益為核心,以專利有效性以及申請專利範圍更正為核心,針對有關智慧財產權之行政爭訟以及民事訴訟程序進行探討。首先針對我國現行智慧財產權爭訟制度進行簡介,介紹我國智慧財產案件審理法、智慧財產專責法院之設立以及管轄範圍等。其後並參考與我國立法制度類似同為公私法二元制之日本法,以日本法為主軸,介紹日本法上就專利權等之智慧財產權權利有效性之判斷,是否專屬於行政法院處理,抑或民事法院亦有部分審理之權限,以及其兩者間之認定如何調和之問題。 以專利權有效性為中心,進一步並討論申請專利範圍更正時,應如何處理之問題,包含行政爭訟程序中,專利權人得否於行政訴訟程序中提起更正,抑或限於智慧財產專責行政機關為權利有效性之審理時;另民事專利侵權訴訟進行中,專利權人得否於侵權訴訟程序中,針對被控侵權人提起之無效抗辯主張申請專利範圍之更正。本篇論文將針對此議題介紹日本法之學說、實務判例判決等,提供我國法參考。 於外國法介紹後,將針對我國現狀進行評析,本文整理目前現行實務見解,就目前我國實務於處理專利有效性以及申請專利範圍更正等之相關問題,進行分析檢討,並提出對於我國法之建議。


The study seeks to ensure the protection of intellectual property rights, and focuses on the issue of patent validity and the amendment to the scope of patent claims. In Taiwan, the litigation procedures are differentiated into administrative litigation procedure and civil infringement litigation procedure. Therefore, whether the civil court could consider the issue of patent validity had long been debated. The promulgation of Intellectual Property Case Adjudication Act (hereinafter “the Act”), which is effective upon July 1, 2008, turns a new page in the IP protection in Taiwan. Among the rules contained therein, Article 16 provides, “When a party claims or defends that an intellectual property right shall be cancelled or revoked, the court shall judge, based on the merit of the case, the Code of Civil Procedure, Code of Administrative Litigation Procedure, Trademark Act, Patent Act, Species of Plants and Seedling Act, or other applicable laws concerning the stay of an action.”. Based on this article, the civil court is therefore authorized to judge upon the issue of patent validity. However, under the rule of Article 16 of the Act, there is still a possibility that the decisions of the patent validity differ between IP rights administrative litigation and IP rights civil infringement litigation. Subsequently, the study examines the issues whether under Article 16 of the Act, the civil court could take the amendment to the scope of patent claims into consideration. The study further examines whether there is any limitation to altering the scope of patent claims during an administrative litigation procedure. The study reviews and analyzes the leading theories in Japan, and assesses the current judgment system of patent rights in Japan. The study concludes with some suggestions and proposals for the possible Taiwan patent litigation systems.


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