  • 學位論文

使用龍圖兒做爲內部緒構以支持大型 3D 模型列印

ZomeFab: Cost-effective Large-scale Fabrication with Interior Zometool Structure

指導教授 : 陳炳宇


近年來,3D列印技術越來越接近消蕢者階級,因此擁有個人3D列 印機的使用者也隨之上升,然而一般購買之3D列印機往往會因爲冗長的列印時間以及較小丶被受限的列印空間無法進行大型物體之原型設 計,爲了去達到這樣的目標,使用另外的材杜來連接以列印出來的物 件是一種常見的做法。在這篇論文中,我們提出一個使用3D列印機以及龍圖兒這種具有強大緒構性之玩具來達到具有成本效益且可產出大 型物件之製造技術,我們核心方法是使用龍圖兒來當作內部緒構和使 用3D列印機列印外表皮,此研究最大的挑戰是解決各種棘手的問題 例如是否能列印丶是否有看耗材以及內部龍圖兒緒構的紐裝祗雜度, 而我們不但解決這些核心問題,並運用此系統來製造各式各樣實體的3D模型。


In recent years, personalized fabrication has attracted much attention due to the greatly improved accessibility of consumer-level 3D printers. How- ever, consumer 3D printers still suffer from the relatively long production time and limited output size, which are undesirable factors to large-scale rapid-prototyping. In order to construct a large-scale fabrication, the hybrid approach is introduced. In this paper, we propose a 3D fabrication method combines 3D printing and Zometool structure for cost-effective fabrication of large objects. The key of our approach is using Zometool to build internal structure then attach thin 3D printed parts, as an external shell. The challenge is to balance between several criteria including printability, material saving, and Zometool structure complexity. We optimize these criteria and generate both the Zometool structures and the surface partitions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method by a variety of 3D models along with examples of the physically fabricated objects.


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