  • 學位論文


Study on Algal Biomass Production in Municipal Wastewater-Nei Hu Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant as a Case

指導教授 : 於幼華


再生能源是化石能源日益缺乏的今日所追求永續發展的一個重要途徑,而藻類相較於其他高等植物對於太陽能擁有更高的擷取效率,且藻類培養可利用被排放至河川的都市污水以供給所需養分,藻類生質能源可能是當前能滿足溫室氣體控制及資能源再利用的一個解答。 本研究主要為探討在台灣夏季室外的環境下,利用實廠都市污水作為營養來源產製藻類生質量,對於污水去氮除磷的成效以及藻類生質量生產的可行性。研究中所使用的藻類為Chlorella Sp.,利用管柱式光生物反應器進行半連續流式的藻類生物反應系統,為因應過強的陽光照射,在模廠上另裝有遮光罩以控制照度與溫度。 由實驗結果得知,在一般的夏季氣候條件下,有裝置遮光罩的光反應器,可以有效避免溫度過高的情況而節省以往降溫所耗費的成本。對於光照量方面,台灣一般下季平日太陽光入射量為12~28MJ/m2/d,對於培養Chlorella Sp.來說有光抑制現象,而當遮光率為91.1%時對於其生長有較佳的環境。而對於都市污水的來源,以含氨氮(NH4+)量較高的初沉池污水或是以含銷酸鹽氮(NO3-)量較高的放流水做為營養來源來進行培養,其生長之趨勢沒有非常顯著的差異,而若添加其他微量營養元素後,則藻類生產可提高約50%的產量。對於本實驗的光生物反應器而言,當半連續流的稀釋倍率為0.35時,對於藻類的生長有最佳的生產結果,此時每升都市污水能夠生產285mg的藻類生質量,而對於氮、磷的去除效率,則分別為99%以及80%。


One freshwater algae(Chlorella sp.) isolated from secondary sewage effluent of Nei-Hu municipal wastewater treatment plant were cultured on inclined tubular photobioreactor to determine its ability to produce algal biomass and remove ammonium and orthophosphate from municipal wastewater. Outdoor semi-continuous cultures of Chlorella sp. in municipal wastewater were maintained with 15% to 65% daily dilutions and under a regular summer condition in Taiwan. Because of solar radiation in the summer of Taiwan may cause serious photo inhibition to microalgae, all the tubular photobioreactors were equipped with windows film to reduce around 91.1% of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), 99.5% of ultraviolet (UV) rays and 96.7% of infrared rays. Under this regime, the best production of algal biomass was happened while the dilution rate is 35%. Biomass productivity was 285mgl-1d-1, ammonium and orthophosphate removal rate were 99% and 80%, respectively.


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