  • 學位論文


Calculation of Damages in Patent Infringement-Centered on Recovery of the Infringer's Profits

指導教授 : 黃銘傑


專利侵權損害賠償制度是專利制度能否發揮功用的關鍵。為了計算專利權人之損害,必須要「假設」沒有發生侵權的經濟市場。然而,市場因素多種多樣又具有變動性,且各個變數間相互牽動,原本即不易掌握。因此,專利侵權損害賠償的計算,現實上不可能達到像數學運算般正確或極為精確的解答。 於是,為了減輕專利權人之舉證負擔,台灣專利法第97條以下特別規定專利侵權損害賠償計算方法。其中,台灣專利權人援用現行專利法第97條第1項第2款所規定之侵權人所得利益計算方法而提出訴訟,似乎頗為頻繁。 然而,侵權人所得利益計算方法有不太符合傳統民法上損害賠償制度之疑慮。而且,2011年專利法修法時,雖然懲罰性損害賠償之規定以「不符合一般民事損害賠償制度之損害填補」為理由被刪除,但2013年修法時,卻又以「關於智慧財產權侵害之損害賠償計算,已不再侷限於填補損害之概念」為理由,恢復原來的懲罰性損害賠償規定。鑑於如此之狀況,台灣實務是否能夠釐清民法上損害賠償制度與專利侵權損害賠償制度之關係,非無疑問。如此狀況會引起法院對於此一計算方法做出有所矛盾及不安定之解釋。鑑於專利侵權損害賠償訴訟已成為現今商業競爭之重要手段,如此不安定情形會可能影響到產業發展,並非妥當。 本論文所採用的研究方法主要有三:第一是文獻閱讀分析,探討目前學說及實務上對於現行專利法第97條第1項第2款的解釋;第二是重新檢討專利侵權損害賠償訴訟之蒐證程序。計算方法與蒐證手段,共同影響了專利侵權損害賠償之計算,這兩者之間妥適調整與運用,才能達到專利法制立法目的。第三是是比較法研究,介紹德國法與日本法關於侵權人所得利益計算方法的解釋與發展,作為台灣法上解釋適用的借鏡。 本論文總共分為7章。第1章為緒論,說明本論文的研究動機、研究範圍與方法,以及論文架構;第2章為專利侵權損害賠償之特殊性;第3章介紹並比較德國法、日本法與台灣法上專利侵權損害賠償的計算方法;第4章比較並探討德國法、日本法與台灣法上侵權人所得利益計算方法與民法上損害賠償制度之關係;第5章比較並探討德國法、日本法與台灣法上侵權人所得利益計算方法之具體適用;第6章為專利侵權損害賠償訴訟之蒐證程序;第7章為結論,將對前面各章的研究成果做一總結。


The system of patent infringement damages is a crucial factor in determining whether the patent system is effective or not. To calculate the damage suffered by a patentee, no infringement is presumed to have occurred in the economic market. However, since market factors are varied and variable, intertwining with one another, it is in practice impossible to arrive at a correct or precise answer in the calculation of damages as in arithmetic. To lessen the patentee’s burden of proof, therefore, Article 97 et seq. of the R.O.C. Patent Act specifically provide for the calculation methods. In particular, it is apparently common for patentees to apply the method in Subparagraph 2, Paragraph 1. Yet, such calculation methods does not conform to the system of damages under the Civil Code. While the provision on punitive damages was struck out in the 2011 amendment to the Patent Act by reason that it “fails to conform to the general system of civil damages regarding the remedy of damage," it was reinstated in the 2013 amendment on the grounds that “the calculation of damages for infringement upon intellectual property rights is not limited to the remedy of damage.” In this case, whether the relationship between the damages system under the Civil Code and patent infringement damages can be clarified in legal practice in Taiwan is not unquestionable. The situation will also give rise to contradictory and inconsistent court interpretations of such calculation method. In view of the fact that claims of patent infringement damages have become an important means of business competition nowadays, the inconsistency may impact industrial development thus is not appropriate. Three research methods have been employed in this thesis: The first is document analysis of current interpretations by scholars and practitioners of Subparagraph 2, Paragraph 1 of Article 97 of the Patent Act. The second is review of the discovery process of a patent infringement suit. Both the calculation method and discovery method affect the calculation of damages for patent infringement. Only when these two methods are properly adjusted and employed will the legislative purpose of the patent system be achieved. The third is comparative research, whereby German and Japanese laws are introduced to elucidate the interpretation and development of the calculation method based on the profit earned by the infringer as reference in the interpretation and application of R.O.C. laws. This thesis consists of seven chapters: Chapter 1 outlines the purpose and framework of the thesis, and scope and methods of research. Chapter 2 studies the features of patent infringement damages. Chapter 3 presents and compares the methods of calculation of patent infringement damages under German, Japanese and R.O.C. laws. Chapter 4 compares and examines the relationship between the calculation method based on the profit earned by the infringer and the damages system under the Civil Code under German, Japanese and R.O.C. laws. Chapter 5 compares and examines the specific application of the calculation method based on the profit earned by the infringer under German, Japanese and R.O.C. laws. Chapter 6 presents the discovery process of a patent infringement suit. Chapter 7 concludes the research results in the preceding chapters.


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4. 鄭巧筠(2008),《論侵害專利權之懲罰性賠償》,國立台灣大學法律學研究所碩士論文。
5. 李素華(2013),〈專利權侵害致損害賠償及侵害所得利益法之具體適用:以我國專利法為中心〉,《臺灣大學法學論叢》,第42卷第4期。
6. 何建志(2002),〈懲罰性賠償金志法理與應用-論最適賠償金額之判定〉,《臺灣大學學論叢》,第31卷第3期。
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