  • 學位論文


Production Improvement of Six Paphiopedilums

指導教授 : 張喜寧


芭菲爾鞋蘭具發展潛力,但種苗的育成上仍有數項問題需要克服,例如:蘭苗出瓶後存活率偏低、生長勢差,小苗生長速度緩慢,斑葉種開花需一至兩年生長期,綠葉種需四到五年且無法有效調控開花時間等。故本研究以六種芭菲爾鞋蘭做為實驗材料,出瓶後利用不同濕度、接種蘭菌或配合植物生長物質的施用,以解決產業問題。 穴盤單株栽植與群株栽植配合加蓋處理培植芭菲爾鞋蘭小苗四個月後,群株種植(每盆種五株)可提高Paphiopedilum Magic Cherry ‘#12’ × Hsinying Web ‘#24’的存活率,並促進Paph. Hsinying Makurow × Supersulk ‘Knerr’ 與Paph. Magic Cherry ‘#12’ × Hsinying Web ‘#24’的生長勢。四個月後再以加蓋方式種植一年,仍可增加兩個品種的鮮重,可知於苗期以群株種植的方式能促進芭菲爾鞋蘭小苗的生長。且小苗的氣孔形態會受到濕度的影響而改變,Paph. Magic Cherry ‘#12’ × Hsinying Web ‘#24’中,加蓋處理者的氣孔較大,兩個品種的氣孔孔徑皆以單株種植不加蓋者最大,群株種植加蓋者最小。 使用五種絲核菌屬蘭菌(R02、R04、R16、R17、R18)接種於芭菲爾鞋蘭小苗八個月後,Paph. Hsinying Makurow × Supersulk ‘Knerr’的生長表現無顯著差異,Paph. Magic Cherry ‘#12’ × Hsinying Web ‘#24’接種由野生金線連根部分離出來的R04對植株生長具促進效果。於苗期使用植物生長物質也能促進植株發育,凡施用根毛王配合太空精者皆能加速芭菲爾鞋蘭小苗的生長。接種兩種絲核菌屬(R02與R18),並配合施用氯化膽鹼加環已六醇溶液於仙履蘭中苗四個月後,Paph. Alma Gavaert ‘HB’ × Janet Kunkle ‘Grace Hsingying’ 接種R02或R02配合氯化膽鹼與環已六醇溶液處理者與Paph. Alma Gavaert ‘Goto’ × Maudiae ‘Silverado’ AM/AOS接種R18者或R18配合氯化膽鹼與環已六醇處理者,皆可促進植株根系發育。 噴施不同濃度的GA3 1、3及5 mg/L與BA 10、30、50 mg/L於Paph. Maudiae type與Paph. delenatii植株上,結果顯示接種蘭菌或配合噴施GA3與BA皆無法提高芭菲爾鞋蘭之抽梗率,且施用GA3所開出的花朵會產生畸形現象。但BA處理的Paph. Maudiae type的花型對稱,花朵可自然展開。而調查芭菲爾鞋蘭總葉面積與抽梗之間的相關性,結果顯示Paph. Maudiae type的相關性不高,另一品種Paph. delenatii的葉面積達200 cm2以上,即可100 %抽梗,可知芭菲爾鞋蘭各亞屬間開花習性不同。 剛出瓶的芭菲爾鞋蘭小苗可利用群株種植的方式提高存活率,待植物生長到一定大小後,如Paph. Hsinying Makurow × Supersulk ‘Knerr’與Paph. Magic Cherry ‘#12’ × Hsinying Web ‘#24’加蓋一年後,應配合加濕機以提高相對濕度,使其適應正常大氣環境。而於苗期Paph. Hsinying Makurow × Supersulk ‘Knerr’可噴施根毛王配合太空精,Paph. Magic Cherry ‘#12’ × Hsinying Web ‘#24’則可接種R04或施用根毛王配合太空精擇一進行處理,以促進營養生長。待植株生長至中苗時,Paph. Alma Gavaert ‘HB’ × Janet Kunkle ‘Grace Hsingying接種R02配合施用氯化膽鹼與環已六醇, Paph. Alma Gavaert ‘Goto’ × Maudiae ‘Silverado’接種R18施用氯化膽鹼與環已六醇,皆可促進根系生長。芭菲爾鞋蘭各亞屬間開花習性不盡相同,Paph. Maudiae type十月開始抽梗至四月,Paph. delenatii經過一段低溫後於四月抽梗,未來可朝溫度或光週等進行試驗,以了解控制芭菲爾鞋蘭開花時間之遺傳路徑。


The seedling cultivations of slipper orchids in Taiwan still have some problems to overcome, namely, the low survival and slow growth rates and take some years for flowering. Micropropageted six cultivars of slipper orchids Paphiopedilum were grown by different planting density and humidity, Rhizactonia spp. inoculation or/and applied with plant growth substance (PGS) ex vitro, in order to solve the industrial problems. Low density and high density planting with cover treatments on seedlings of Paphiopedilum after ex vitro growth for 4 months were compared. Results showed that group planting (planted 5 seedlings in one pot ) enhanced the survival rate of Paph. Hsinying Makrow × Supersuk ‘Knerr’ and the growth of Paph. Magic Cherry‘#12’ × Hsinying Web ‘#24’. The same group planting treatments after one year increased fresh weight. It showed that group planting could improve the growth of Paphiopedilum in seedling stage. Scanning electron microscopical observation revealed that epidermis of Paphiopedilum seedlings were influenced by humidity. The stomata size of Paph. Magic Cherry‘#12’ × Hsinying Web ‘#24’ with covered treatments were larger than those of uncovered treatments. The stomata pore of low density with uncovered treatment was bigger than the high density with covered treatments. . After inoculating one of five Rhizoctonia orchid mycorrhizal fungi (R02、R04、R16、R17、R18) with Paphiopedilum seedlings for 8 months, the growth of Paph. Hsinying Makrow × Supersuk ‘Knerr’ was nonsignificant and Paph. Magic Cherry‘#12’ × Hsinying Web ‘#24’ inoculated with R04 from could enhance the growth response. Using plant growth substance (PGS) on seedling stage improved the development of Paphiopedilum, e.g. applied with Lysine #3 and Aminosong solution could accelerate the growth rate. Inoculation with R02 or R18, also applied with choline chloride and inositol solution for 4 months, Paphiopedilum Alma Gavaert ‘Goto’× Maudiae ‘Silverado’ inoculated with R02 or applied with PGS and Paph. Alma Gavaert ‘HB’ × Janet Kunkle ‘Grace Hsingying’ inoculated with R18 or applied with PGS could promote the roots development. Spraying GA3 1、3 or 5 mg/L and BA 10、30、50 mg/L on Paph. Maudiae type and Paph. delenatii showed that inoculated with Rhizactonia spp. or sprayed with GA3 or BA solution could not increase spiking rate, but there were some abnormal flowers with GA3 treatment formed. But applied with BA on Paph. Maudiae type was beneficial to improve flower quality. Investigating the relationship between total leaf area and spiking rate of Paphiopedilum showed that the total leaf area of Paph. delenatii reached 200 cm2 would cause 100% of flower stalk emergence. This suggested that the seedlings of Paphiopedilum after ex vitro could plant five seedlings in one pot to enhance the survival rate until they were big enough, such as Paph. Hsinying Makurow × Supersulk ‘Knerr’and Paph. Magic Cherry ‘#12’ × Hsinying Web ‘#24’ covered for one year, then the covered plastic bags should be taken off. Applied with Lysine #3 and Aminosong solution on Paph. Hsinying Makurow × Supersulk ‘Knerr’ and inoculated with R04 or only applied with Lysine #3 and Aminosong solution on Paph. Magic Cherry ‘#12’ × Hsinying Web ‘#24’ could enhance the vegetative growth. Paph. Alma Gavaert ‘Goto’× Maudiae ‘Silverado’ inoculated with R02 or applied with choline chloride and inositol solution and Paph. Alma Gavaert ‘HB’ × Janet Kunkle ‘Grace Hsingying’ inoculated with R18 or applied with CC + I could promote the root development. The spiking rate of Paph. Maudiae type started from October to April and Paph. delenatii spiked on April. It was suggested that temperature or photoperiod should be tested, in order to understand the genetic pathways that control flowering time of Paphiopedilum orchids.


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