  • 學位論文


A Study on Analyzing and Developing the Function Framework of Information Management Modules for Construction Project Management

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


營建業隨著施工技術的進步及機具自動化,營建工程規模也朝向大型化、複 雜化、高度化及多元化發展,由於業務困難度提高,相關業務已非傳統營建管理模式所能負荷,因此仰賴IT(Information Technology)系統來協助專案管理,使得各類型的工程專案能藉由IT系統管理有效地蒐集、傳遞與處理相關資料轉換成資訊,並運用在工程專案的規劃與控制,以解決實務上營建管理所面臨的資訊瓶頸,達到管理現代化、快捷化與有效化。 然而,實務上運用資訊系統來輔助執行工程專案管理時,常會遇到一些困難: 專案生命週期各階段流程關係錯綜複雜,且其運作時經常與企業組織部門之功能重複與混淆,因而易因缺乏一套完整的資訊系統來整合,造成資源控管之不易。 目前市面上可選擇之IT系統模組, 其設計之精神常有以下未考慮周詳之處: ● 僅針對客戶與實務經驗作單獨個案之流程分析,未有專案管理理論基礎之完整規劃依據。 ● 以現有專案管理之套裝系統來做修改,且對營建工程之背景流程未有詳細之需求研究,其系統適用在營建業上未必十分符合,常導致客製化動作與系統建置時問之拉長,並造成導入成本之增加。 ● 其設計之模組常為階段任務型設計,零散且缺乏整體規劃,彼此介面與功能重疊交錯,造成資料流動之不順暢,導致系統所能展現之效益不足或不明顯。 ● 若導入之系統太巨大,將使得導入成本高昂而導致小型廠商負擔沈重;若僅單獨切割現有系統之個別模組,仍將有適用性與整合性之問題。因此,希望以「專案管理知識體系指南」( The Project Management Bo 勿 of Knowledge , PMBO 聯所定義之專案管理流程作背景依據,結合理論依據與實務經驗,從資訊管理的角度來看,回歸到專案管理的作法,協助建構一套資訊系統,包含其內部之功能、模組、流程。本研究之研究對象以中小型規模的企業為主,以呈現出更符合國內中小企業廠商對於 IT 系統之需求概況。本研究將以 PMBOK 專案管理精神為基礎,輔以 IDEFO ( Integration DEFinition for Function modelingo )流程塑模工具,清楚定義營造廠商之專案管理作業流程中龐大複雜的資訊;之復透過結構化的流程塑模動作進行模組設計,並參考目前市面上已有之模組規劃,分析出本研究之模組功能架構雛形,以探討各階段作業對於資源彙整或效益改進之 IT 系統輔助可能性;最復套入國內案令 J ,探討此模組功能架構之完整性並做出回餚。希望此一研究能夠讓國內機電空調或營造相關廠商做為分析之參考。


With the progress and the improvement of construction techniques, the construction projects are getting more and more complicated in recent years. And due to the rasiing of the degree of difficulty in business, traditional ways in project management has been insufficient. Therefor, it’s important to use IT (imformation technology) systems to surport and assist project management in construction field. With the IT systems, various types of data could be collected, shared and arranged efficiently into useful imformation, and be used for the planning and controlling of a engineering project. However, there are some drawbacks in the IT systems in domestic markets.The essence of construction project management are not be caught in design of system functions. Several shortcomings are listed below: • Only analyze the process and activites of clients, without a surportung from an intergrated theory as background. • Mostly designed by professional programers, but they are not necessarily familiar with the processes and tasks of construction firms. • Modules in the systems were designed as the separated and independent ones, and result in efficientcy lost due to the barriers of different and not integrated interfaces between those. Therefore, this research will try to establish a function framework in construction IT systems, with the main focus on medium and small-scale construction firms. At first, the essential progresses and activities in Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) would be carefully defined; following, the Integrated Definition Function Modeling (IDEFO) method would be adopted to describe every processes and steps in each aspect; after, Structure System Analysis was used for drawing and designing the Data Flow Diagram (DFD) of every aspeact. With the finish of all design, 17 modules were biuled and then this research proposed an initial function requirement framework. Finally, through the case study of a domestic refrigeration and air- conditioning engineering firm, the insufficiency and shortcomings of the framework will be notified and corrected with new-added required functions. The conclusion of this research will hopefully be presented as the reference resources for the medium and small-scale construction and engineering firms to build their own construction MIS.


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