  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on the Key Factors of Effective R&D Alliance in the Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry

指導教授 : 李吉仁


從1980年代開始,企業全球化是其發展的主要特徵之一,全球性企業環境變得比以往更為錯綜複雜,為了因應越來越激烈快速的經營環境變化,如完全倚靠自己的力量發展出適合的應變能力,往往趕不上環境變化的速度,因此企業越來越注重外援,與他人合作更能快速產生令人滿意的結果,而 「策略聯盟」自然成為世界各地企業所關注的策略選項。策略聯盟在近十幾年裡已逐漸應用於各產業,然而策略聯盟亦有不少失敗的例子和問題,因此策略聯盟仍具有進一步的研究與探討。 眾所周知,製藥業的競爭是全球性的,不僅廠商間的競爭激烈,法令上的修改更直接造成新藥上市後的利潤大減,因此,如何提高新藥研發速度便成為製藥廠主要的努力方向。在提高研發的成功率以及加速新藥上市的壓力下,各大藥廠紛紛發現有許多小型生技公司具有新的創新性,並充滿活力,其研發成果能夠有效協助其達成目的,而小的生技公司剛好可以藉由大藥廠來將其研發成果予以實現,因此大藥廠與生技公司間在能力上互補的現象造成R&D聯盟一時蔚為風尚。本研究以傳統上解釋聯盟行為的交易成本理論和資源基礎理論為本,討論大藥商和小型生技公司在R&D聯盟上的主要動機和背後企業經營邏輯,並以此策略邏輯為基礎,透過個案研究方法,針對Bayer 與 CuraGen、Eli Lilly 與Emisphre 兩起大藥廠和小型生技公司策略聯盟的實例,在一個成功一個失敗的交叉比較下,研究推論管理者在佈建其研發R&D聯盟時,究竟必須從哪一個理論觀點著手,才能使其聯盟活動獲得成功。 研究中使用統一的標準:交易成本與交易價值,來衡量聯盟活動是否成功的標準。研究結果顯示總體交易價值的創造比交易成本的考量更為重要。而價值創造的三大重要來源: 恰當的選擇夥伴、有效的建構能力以及學習, 和建構信任的聯盟關係成為藥廠與生技公司聯盟能否成功的重要指標。


The topic of strategic alliance has generated considerable interest in recent years. Since the 1980s, globalization has been one of the main traits. Rapid changes in the modern environment have made it impossible for an organization to deal with the furious competitions alone. In order to cope with the rapid changes in the ever accelerating environment, organizations have realized outsourcing tend to accomplish faster and better results. Since then, strategic alliances have caught the world’s attention and have been gradually used in different kinds of industry sectors. However, there appears to be many failure cases and problems associated with strategic alliances; therefore it is obvious that strategic alliances have a deep research value attach to them. Rapid changes in modern technology have put firms in close contact with other firms in research and development. It is well-known that the drug companies compete globally within the industry. With government levied restrictions on and off, declining R&D productivity and shorter exclusivity periods, the profit from launching a successful new drug to the market can decrease significantly. Therefore, how to fasten the development of new drugs has become pharmaceuticals’ main working direction. Under the pressure of developing faster and less costly approved drugs, many big pharmaceuticals realize many small biotechnology firms possess innovative ideals and can help them fulfills their objectives. As for small biotechnology firms, forming R&D alliances with big pharmaceuticals can actually turn their innovative ideals into real products. Therefore, the phenomenon that big pharmaceuticals and small biotechnology firms possess complementary capabilities has caused a trend in R&D alliance. In this thesis, we will use the theoretical approach of transaction cost theory and resource-based theory to discuss the rationale underlying R&D alliance and managerial logic behind big pharmaceuticals and small biotechnology firms. By taking this logic as the foundation, we will use “Case Study Analysis” to look at R&D alliance through two detailed case studies: one is a successful collaboration between “Bayer” and “CuraGen” and the other is a failure case between “Eli Lilly” and “Emisphere”. Throughout the comparison between the successful case and the failure case, we will try to find out the key successful determinants when forming a R&D alliance. In this thesis, we use a unified approach, which views the total costs of addressing transactional cost concerns and then compared with the set of total value gains in an overall evaluation of the value of the collaborative activities. Research finding shows the transactional value gives a more fully covered explanation of the managerial logic for successful R&D alliances. We suggested three important collaborative mechanisms and also sources of value creations, which are choosing partners with care, capability building with accelerating learning, and building trusted relationship are key determinants to effective alliance.


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Chinese References:
English References:
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