  • 學位論文


The Study of Effects of Incentive Messages to Catalog Shopping Business

指導教授 : 黃崇興


2003年 SARS 風暴來襲,消費者半受迫性地改變消費形態轉往虛擬通路消費,使得無店鋪零售業開始盛行,其中又以電視購物、網路購物以及型錄購物最受矚目。 型錄購物由來已久,雖然近年來由於科技進步迅速,電視購物及網路購物逐漸成為消費者的主要購買通路,但是型錄購物的便利性依舊無法取代。型錄購物也存在著缺點,像是無法追蹤消費者是否有收到型錄或是是否有閱讀型錄等,在電子郵件已不再那麼有效用的今天,勢必要開發新的二次行銷利器,因此我們將目光放在手機簡訊, 本研究主要以東森購物型錄會員為實證研究的對象,藉以探討「提醒型簡訊」及「誘因型簡訊」是否有效益存在、簡訊最適搭配的促銷活動、簡訊最適的發送時間以及模組模型對於簡訊的適用性。 本研究共有 40 項研究假說,經由實證分析,得到 26 項無法拒絕以及 14項拒絕假說。大致上而言,發送對象為模組會員,發送時間為月末,且促銷活動為送購物金100元時會有較佳的回應率。


簡訊 型錄 促銷 行動行銷


Due to the invasion of SARS in 2003, consumers have been partly coerced to change their buying behavior to shopping through virtual channel so that non-brick retailers started booming. Among the retailers, TV shopping, Internet shopping, and catalog shopping are most accentuated. Even though TV shopping and Internet shopping gradually becomes the main shopping channel for consumers as a result of the fast technology improvement, catalog shopping is still irreplaceable due to its convenience. Catalog has its flaws, too. For instance, whether consumers get and read catalog cannot be tracked. Because email is not so effective nowadays, we focus on cell phone short messages. The study takes ET catalog shopping members as the subjects of empirical researches to investigate whether ‘reminding short message’ and ‘seductive short message’ exist effectively. Optimal package promotion activities with short messages, optimal delivery time for messages, and the applicability of module model for short messages are also investigated. Through empirical analysis, there are forty hypotheses in the study, among which 26 cannot be rejected and 14 are rejected. Overall speaking, better responses rate occur when the subjects are module members, when the sending time is during the ends of months, and when the promotion activity is to give shopping money of 100 NT dollars.


short message category promotion mobile marketing


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