  • 學位論文


Vietnamese community and the Vietnamese organized crime in the Czech Republic: laws, procedures and the reality

指導教授 : 葛祥林


越南社區從二十世紀五十年代開始成為捷克社會組織裡不可分離的部分。當時北越的專家以及學生為了研究與教育的目地來到捷克。七十、八十年代很多人從北越進入捷克工廠做長時間的工作實習。他們的流入是因為捷克斯拉夫在越南戰爭時提供北越大量的作戰武器,所以後來越南人用提供人力資源的方式來償還戰爭時的貸款。大部份的工人在工作實習結束之後決定要繼續留在捷克斯拉夫,並且建立起捷克第一代的越南社區與其根深蒂固的文化傳統。 現在捷克越南社區已經成為當地第三大的移民社區,並且包含了超過六萬名的越南移民。雖然越南社區存在於捷克已經有相當長久的時間,並且也與捷克文化融為一體,但是只有少數人真正了解越南社區實際狀況。這個社區有自己獨特的運作方式,並且創造出許多不在法律許可範圍內的方法去解決他們各種不同的問題:生活上的、移民手續上的、勞動力市場的、甚至也建立起對新移民的相關規範。這種半合法的組織結構發展成越南社會裡多年來的國際組織犯罪行政管理,還有非法的人口買賣和物品交易過程。在加上2008下半年經濟危機蔓延到中歐以及東歐,造成了許多受雇於捷克工廠的越南籍勞工面臨失業,使得許多勞動力市場的非法問題浮出檯面。 本論文將回答以下兩個問題:一、為何越南社區移民在成為犯罪組織下手的目標後,同時也會變成犯罪行為的加害者?二、捷克應該如何因應越南犯罪組織的行為?此研究於2008年9月進行到2009年5月。使用的研究方法包括:蒐集相關資料,如網路上和紙本的相關書籍與研究報告;同時研究者也以質化研究的方式進行訪談,對象包含捷克與越南的人民,相關捷克政府官員、非政府組織的員工、越南組織的領導人以及相關領域的專家學者。 此研究有助於提供對抗越南犯罪組織的可能方法,包含法律與管理、社會學還有勞動力市場的管理方法。雖然捷克和越南政府沒有對相關越南犯罪組織問題加以重視,但是上述所及解決之道是捷克社會與越南社區可以實行的。並且從研究裡發現未被探究過的越南社區問題,包含:越南社區移民在捷克的政治行使權以及對政治的看法及觀念;留學代辦處的犯罪現象。


Vietnamese community has been the inseparable element of the (current) Czech Republic’s ethnic composition since 1950s, when first Vietnamese students and high-skilled professionals came to the Czech State for research, educational exchanges and trainings. The great influx of Vietnamese occurred in the 1970s and 1980s while number of North Vietnam workers was sent for long-term training to Czechoslovak factories in the aim to work off to pay back the North Vietnam’s debts connected with the Czechoslovak weaponry aid during the Vietnamese war. Several of these workers decided to bring their families and stay in Czechoslovakia and further Czech Republic after completion of their contracts. These people set up the social and cultural foundations for establishing the latter Czech Vietnamese community. Recently the community constitutes the third largest migrant community in the Czech Republic, counting 60000 members. Despite of its long presence in the Czech State, the fact it enters several social layers and integrates with Czech society, it remains the least known and closest of the ethnic groups living in there. In several spheres of life the community found its own unique, often semi-legal ways to manage certain problems related to living condition, administration and labour market as well as set up the network of (linguistic, social) services offered to the newcomers. The whole system of semi-legal practises within the Vietnamese community has evolved for several years to the extent of international organized crime in the fields of administrative and legal misuses, organized illegal migration, trafficking in humans and goods. Additionally, the economic crisis that reached Central and Eastern Europe in the second half of 2008 caused numbers of dismissals of the Vietnamese workers employed by the Czech factories and revealed the wide range of illegal practices related to the labour market. The aim of this thesis was to answer two questions: What make Vietnamese community being the target of organized crime and participating in organized criminal activities? How the Czech State can combat the Vietnamese organized crime? The research was conducted in the time span September 2008 – May 2009. The methodology used during the research included printed books, reports as well as the online articles and journals. Alongside, the author carried out a plethora of qualitative interviews with Czech, Vietnamese, Czech State officials, NGO employees, leaders of the Vietnamese associations and scientists focusing on the Vietnamese community. The research findings enclose several possible approaches to fight the most serious features of the Vietnamese organized crime (legal and administrative approach, societal approach, labour market approach). These are only certain methods that might be implemented by Vietnamese community and Czech society, since the Czech and Vietnam States have not recognized the problem of the Vietnamese organized crime in the Czech Republic. Among the findings of the research were new, unpublished problems concerning the Vietnamese community such as: the political capacity, opinions and involvement into Czech politics amid (Czech) Vietnamese; the criminogenic phenomenon of the students’ and studies’ agencies operating within the job agencies.


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