  • 學位論文


Atypical Feeding in Taiwan Yuhinas: Deception or Evaluation?

指導教授 : 袁孝維




Studies have shown some individuals in cooperative breeding species visiting their nests without food or failing to deliver food items to the offspring, such behaviors are now named as "atypical feeding". Atypical feeding might be a cheating behavior to other group members but also could be an evaluation process of parents to nestlings' needs. Joint-nesting Taiwan yuhinas (Yuhina brunneiceps) have been observed to show atypical feeding at times, and it is particularly interesting in this species which mainly breed cooperatively with non-relatives. I observed the visiting bouts of yuhinas by the nests and filmed their provisioning behaviors with micro cameras to record if the occurrence of atypical feeding was affected by onlookers. I also recorded the visiting rate to estimate the needs of offspring throughout the nestling stage at Meifeng during the breeding seasons of 2005 and 2006. I found the existence of onlookers did not have any significant effect upon atypical feeding behavior, suggesting that yuhinas did not attempt to deceive others via dishonest signals. Atypical feeding behavior increased in larger groups, with larger food, and in younger broods, but the hierarchy or parentage of breeders did not have any significant effect. Carers also increased their visiting rate with nestling age because of the increasing needs of the growing nestlings. Larger groups could potentially bring too much food for nestlings to consume, and larger food had been seen too big for them to swallow, therefore atypical feeding increased in these two situations. And with the increasing needs for older nestlings, atypical feeding was less seen. All of the above evidences indicated that carers adjusted their feeding behaviors to meet the demands of their offspring. Therefore, atypical feeding is less likely to be a cheating behavior in yuhinas, but rather an evaluation process of the parents.


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