  • 學位論文


Study on Chinese seasoning produced from hydrolysates of pork ham

指導教授 : 蘇和平


本研究的目的旨在利用Flavourzyme酵素處理(FT)與Alcalase酵素處理(AT)豬後腿肉開發出具有特殊風味的調味物質。選擇 FT和AT的作用條件分別為pH 7.0、50 ºC和 pH 8.5、 60 ºC,酵素濃度則有1、2和5% 。結果顯示FT組和AT組水解8小時後,其胺基態氮量分別為168和98 mg%,而水解率則分別為49.3和28.45%。依上述之pH值與溫度條件對水解率和風味評估之影響,被認為是最適合的酵素水解條件。 蛋白質膠片電泳顯示,酵素具有良好的分解效果,蛋白質能被分解成較小的蛋白質片段和胜肽。FT組的總游離胺基酸較AT組高,且具有較高酸味和鮮味的胺基酸如天門冬胺酸和麩胺酸含量高,FT組分別為121.51和233.49 mg/100g,而AT組則為33.31和87.23 mg/100g。由於AT組的嚐味性較低,故先以Flavourzyme組作用完後再添加Alcalase進一步作用而形成另一個處理組(FAT),供作另一種調味方式。將水解液進行噴霧與冷凍乾燥後,將以產品的水溶性和吸水性為指標作為將來乾燥方法之依據。在水溶性方面,冷凍乾燥的AT組最高,而冷凍乾燥的FAT組則是吸水性效果最高,兩者分別是92.4%和4.23。將FT組進一步調味,加入3%葡萄糖經過90ºC加熱90分鐘,再添加0.7%氯化鈉、0.5% IMP+ GMP和0.05%的麩胺酸鈉。最後進行品評試驗,結果發現,水解液經過調味後的品評分數與市售的商品並無顯著差異(P>0.05)。 綜上所述,本研究利用豬後腿肉水解液經過調味後,可製造出具有特殊風味物質,且接受度與市售商品無顯著差異。將此水解液當做基質可再進一步作成其他風味的調味料供添加於速食麵中。


The purpose of this study was focused on the flavor enhancing property of the hydrolysates and to develop a special flavor seasoning. There were two enzyme treatments, Flavourzyme-treatment (FT) and Alcalase-treatment (AT). The conditions for the hydrolysis of enzymes were pH 7.0, 50ºC for Flavourzyme and pH 8.5, 60ºC for Alcalase, and the enzyme concentrations were 1, 2, and 5% (w/w) respectively. The 8 hours FT and AT treated groups had 168 and 98 mg% of amino nitrogen respectively and the degrees of hydrolysis were 49.3 and 28.45% respectively. These two conditions were considered to be the optimal condition for hydrolysis. The SDS-PAGE of the hydrolysates in FT and AT showed that proteins were peptides and other nitrogen-contained fragments, for which free amino acids were also analyzed. The amounts of total free amino acids were higher in FT. Aspartic acid and glutamic acid, which had sour and umami taste, were 121.51 and 233.49 mg/100g in FT and 33.31 and 87.23 mg/100g in AT, respectively. To improve the flavor, FT was treated with Alcalase to develop another treatment (FAT). Hydrolysates were spray-dried and freeze-dried in order to make commercial products, and their solubility index (WSI) and absorption index (WAI) were tested. AT showed the best WSI (92.4%) in freeze-dried group, and FAT had the highest WAI (4.23) in freeze-dried group. The Flovourzyme hydrolysate which were added 3% of glucose and heated for 90ºC, 90min, then with another addition of 0.7% of salt, 0.5% of IMP+GMP, organic acids, 0.05% monosodium glutamate. Sensory evaluation data showed that after modulation, the hydrolysates had scores close to the commercial product. In conclusion, this study was conducted to make pork protein hydrolysates that can supply unique flavor in order to develop a seasoning with special taste. The FT hydrolysates after modulation had acceptable flavor. It could be further modified and used in instant food.


pork ham hydrolysates seasoning Flavourzyme Alcalase


A.O.A.C. 1990. Official methods of analysis. 928.08 Nitrogen in meat:Kjeldahl
method. 15th ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, D. C.
