  • 學位論文


Economical Analysis of Oyster Shells Contact Bed in Wastewater Treatment

指導教授 : 張文亮


摘 要 本研究以國內首座利用晴天牡礪殼礫間接觸工法處理污水,來進行水質處理及經費考量之間作一分析探討較佳之處理模式及相對較適當之處理金額。方法是首先以每天採水樣持續 8週,並完成BOD、SS、NH3+、TP,其中以BOD實驗為代表,以研究投入產出模式,並分成五種機制,接著利用模場建造金額作為投入總成本增加曲線模式,及因環境改善而受益之收益曲線,再接著以兩曲線所交而得之圖形藉以計算而得最適處理金額之理論函數,並藉經濟分析方法,求出最具效率之處理方式。本處理之理論函數,於二重疏洪道內崁頂溪旁,所設置之人工礫床試驗處理場為案例,探討不同特殊材質礫間接觸之工法特性、工程設計參數、水質處理成效以及設計注意事項等。該處理區面積約為1000平方公尺,分成五種處理機制,分別為水平流曝氣牡蠣殼槽、水平流礫石槽、水平流牡蠣殼槽、垂直流網袋牡蠣殼槽及垂直流散裝牡蠣殼槽,即以天然卵礫石及牡礪殼為材料,利用礫石等表面上之生物膜,將水中有機營養物質消耗與分解,即透過接觸沉澱、吸附、氧化分解等作用,以達淨化水質之功效。人工礫床之礫石及牡礪殼主要採人工堆疊排列。經近120天之運轉操作下,且每月定期排空清淤而可得到污水及其BOD、SS、NH3+、TP移除率,並藉以獲得處理金額之理論函數及經濟分析,以增礫間接觸工法之推廣實用性。


Abstract In this study, the first use of domestic shell fine gravel Vitex contact polishing method disposal of sewage and water treatment systems and to consider funding for an analysis between the processing mode to explore better and more appropriate to deal with the relative amount. Is first of all to take water samples every day for 8 weeks, and complete the BOD, SS, NH3+, TP, which represented BOD experiment to study the input-output model, and divided into five kinds of mechanisms, and then use the amount of construction as a mode field increase in the total cost curve model, and because of environmental improvement and benefit of the yield curve, and then proceeded to cross the two curves obtained by the graphics processing to the amount calculated from the theory of optimal function, and by taking advantage of economic analysis, to derive the most efficient manner. Theory of the processing function, in the Double-guided flood water Watercourse Kanding stream within the set of artificial gravel-bed pilot treatment for cases of different inter-gravel contacts made of special materials of engineering properties and engineering design parameters, the effectiveness of water treatment as well as design attention to such matters. The treatment area of about 1000 square meters, divided into five processing mechanism, namely the level of flow aeration tank oyster shell, gravel trough level of flow, the level of flow trough oyster shell, oyster shell bag net vertical shafts and vertical-flow bulk oyster tank shell, that is, natural gravel and shell theory Vitex for materials, such as the use of gravel on the surface of the biofilm, the organic nutrients in water consumption and decomposition, that is, through exposure to precipitation, adsorption, oxidation, etc. in order to purify the water quality effectiveness. Artificial gravel bed of gravel and sandstone shell Vitex artificial stack with the main mining. After nearly 120 days of operation of operation, and a month and receive regular desilting emptying sewage and BOD, SS, NH3+, TP removal rates and the amount to be dealt with the theory of function and economic analysis, in order to enhance gravel method of contact to promote practical.


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