  • 學位論文

銀髮照護本土可行模式 —以軌道經濟台北捷運接軌銀髮活躍圈為例

Caring the Elderly with Self-Sustainable Business Models in communities : Taipei MRT with Active Ageing

指導教授 : 陳俊忠


「世界衛生組織」(WHO)為因應全球人口老化趨勢將帶來的衝擊,曾於2002年提出「活躍老化」(active ageing)的政策思考概念與架構建議,提醒各國政府應該主動提出多元有效方案來促進健康與活躍老化。本研究擬針對高齡化社會銀髮照護本土可行模式進行研究,採取個案分析研究法 (Case Analysis)進行不同角度與層次的個案分析,探討台灣現行健康促進、長期照顧等有關老人在地化社區照顧政策與資源,期能透過政府與民間相關資源整合,以設計式思考(Designed Thinking)來規劃推動銀髮活躍老化之可行模式,聚焦以軌道經濟台北捷運接軌銀髮活躍圈為例,進一步以「商業模式圖」(Business Model Generation)為分析架構,分析及評估此新的商業模式及摘要具體呈現,希望可透過本研究分析,提出銀髮活躍圈結合台北捷運軌道經濟的建議及未來展望,作為將來建立相關自給自足商業模式(self-sustainable business model)的社會企業平台(Social Enterprise)參考,並期待自己能有機會推動此社會企業平台的誕生。 建立初步可行商業模式時,本研究思考如何以社群模式、健康促進等方向結合相關產業, 提高身心健康,減少及減緩進入老年期後之醫療及長照需求,降低財政及醫療負擔。個人建議未來能進一步以此社群模式試行成果,建議國家政策規畫時能協助相關產業建立銀髮產業鏈。過程中以台灣擅長之相關產業,於合理收益中持續提升照護品質,降低核心家庭照顧者負擔,以創造多贏局面(民眾、家庭、產業、國家)。


The WHO promote active ageing as policy framework in 2002,which is intended to inform discussion and the formulation of action plans that promote healthy and active ageing. We are now facing many impacts from upcoming ageing society in Taiwan. In this study, we use case analysis to explore into the business ecosystem of long term care and related industries in Taiwan. It is essential to develop some local self-sustainable business models for long term care. We use design thinking method to try to match the gap between the need of ageing people and current environment. Furthermore, we use business model generation to generate an innovative, self-sustainable business model for social networking and social enterprise. Therefore, this innovative business model is designed to serve those ageing population and their family using mainly Taipei Metro Rapid Transit system as daily transportation. These experiences in this innovative self-sustainable business model may be considered in the strategic planning process of long term care.


一、 論文部份
1. 吳鴻麟,2016, 在地老化-社區老人照護資源整合方案研究—以台北市為例, 國立臺灣大學管理學院碩士在職專班碩士論文
二、 中文書籍
1. 亞歷山大等著中譯本,2012,獲利世代:自己動手,畫出你的商業模式,Business Model Generation
三、 網路資料
