  • 學位論文


Comparison of Competitive Advantage Between the Cosmetic Industry of Japan and South Korea

指導教授 : 連勇智


本研究以亞洲與台灣之化妝保養品市場為背景,聚焦日本與南韓兩國之市場消長比較,進而探討兩國之化妝品產業競爭優勢。特別以台灣市場為比較與研究基準,從近五年之日韓兩國之化妝品產業背景分析,與環境面的國家政策分析,再到具代表性的廠商策略面個案分析比較,得出完善的市場樣貌。 首先,針對化妝品產業之產業特性做定義性的介紹,從文化面、產品面以及消費者的面向界定化妝品產業之特質。接著詳細分析全球、亞洲、日本與南韓之化妝品市場特性與經濟現況,特別是2015至2016年之市場數據,以最即時之市場資訊作為本研究之分析基礎。 接著,以產業結構與競爭優勢分析比較日韓兩國之環境面向。分別為國家政策面與社會結構面:在國家政策的部分,使用鑽石模型分析兩國的國家層面影響因素,再以五力分析模型比較產業之競爭與威脅程度;在社會結構的部分,以CAGE距離模型分析日韓兩國與台灣之距離,尤其注重在文化距離的方面。 最後以市占率與產業代表性選出個案研究公司,透過比較日本資生堂集團與南韓愛茉莉太平洋集團在台灣的經營情況得出策略洞見,再以台灣市場為背景給予建議。本文之研究方式為探索性的質化研究,透過最新版的中英文消費品與化妝品產業報告,以及台日韓三國的官方數據,又以不同管理模型分析與比較兩國之市場與廠商策略,在亞洲與台灣之化妝品國際化策略與行銷規劃上,都具備參考價值。


This thesis uses the cosmetic industry of Asia and Taiwan as background, and focuses on comparison of the growth and decline of Japanese and South Korean market. It aims at exploring the cosmetic industry competitive advantage of the two countries. While applying Taiwanese market as comparing target, this thesis covers the industry background, country environment analysis, and representative companies’ strategies investigation. First, this thesis gives definition of cosmetic products, then deliberates the market circumstances of global, Asia, Japan, and South Korea. Second, it uses Diamond Model and Porter’s Five Forces Model to analyze the country and industry traits of this two countries. Furthermore, it uses the CAGE Distance Model to take a look at the culture aspect of the two countries and Taiwan. This environmental part elaborates the competitive advantage of the two countries. Third, it picks two companies based on market share to do case studies on strategy comparison. By examining what Shiseido and Amore Pacific did when entering Taiwanese market, this thesis further gives suggestions to the cosmetic companies in Taiwan. By giving the most up-to-date market information and detailed analysis of the Japanese and South Korean markets, this thesis can be a reference to whom being interested in the cosmetic companies winning strategies in Asia, especially in Taiwan.


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