  • 學位論文


Multilingualism and Thematic Shifts in The Stolen Bicycle

指導教授 : 馬耀民


本論文以當代台灣文學的外譯與接受作為出發點,探究吳明益的小說《單車失竊記》在英譯過程中所面臨的問題及轉變。探討重點為兩大語言主題──小說中的多語言使用及作者細緻利用語言所營造出的創作主題。本論文將採用描述翻譯學的分析方法,仔細比較中文原著及英文譯本The Stolen Bicycle之間的差異,並將原文和譯文放在系統與規範的框架下思考,以書中實例及副文本討論譯者面臨的翻譯難題與限制,以及譯者採取的翻譯策略與背後可能的原因,並探討其他可行的做法,反思不同翻譯策略的影響。此外也將讀者回饋納入考量,討論將台灣文學推往世界的努力成效以及可能的改進方向。


The present thesis is inspired by the translation efforts of Taiwane contemporary literature and the reception in the English world. The thesis is an individual case study on Wu Ming-Yi’s novel Danche shiqieji and its English translation The Stolen Bicycle. In analyzing the difficulties encountered and shifts occurred in the translation, the focus will be on two major language-related realms: the multilingualism and thematic shifts. Based on the descriptive translation studies and the concept of system and norms, the present thesis carefully compares the original novel and its English translation to identify and discuss the constraints faced by the translator and the strategies adopted to overcome them as well as some alternative strategies. Furthermore, readers’ feedback is taken into consideration in discussing the outcome of “worlding” Taiwan literature.


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