  • 學位論文

灰姑娘與大男人的「浪漫」聖誕夜── 解讀日本都會男女戀愛儀式背後的消費心理

Cinderella and Bossy Man Christmas: Romantic Love, Consumerism, and Gender Gap in Japan.

指導教授 : 彭文正 何榮幸


聖誕節自1980年代起,在大眾媒體打造下,從家庭節日轉為男女約會之重要行事,並隨泡沫經濟時期奢華至上的消費行為,以象徵「浪漫愛」之姿穩固定著於日本社會。對於未婚的日本年輕人而言,聖誕節即「戀愛節」,其中三大要素缺一不可:約會、浪漫、女性至上。聖誕夜是戀人共度時刻的童話夜,並帶動戀愛產業勃然崛起,刺激日本人的消費慾望,使其實踐於以戀愛為名的儀式之中。 本研究以參與觀察、深度訪談的方式,觀察日本的聖誕節消費文化與兩性議題之關聯。研究發現日本社會強調集團主義之作用下,使得身為消費者的日本年輕男女容易不由自主地跟隨眾人,藉由全面參與及年年重複相同過節公式,以證明自己的「存在感」。然而,對於聖誕節「一夜浪漫」的想像與實踐,恰反映出現實生活之相反或不足。長期以來男尊女卑的觀念至今在日本家庭中仍普遍盛行,尤其是在職場上充滿對女性的壓抑與歧視。本研究認為,聖誕節被打造成一場夢幻童話,或可謂社會對於女性的集體補償,令她們得以自現實中獲得暫時解脫的愉悅。


Since the 1980’s, given the new meaning by the mass media, Christmas has changed from a family holiday into an annual romantic event for young people in Japan. Along with extravagant spending in the bubble era, Christmas consumption has become a symbol of “romantic love” in contemporary Japanese society. For Japanese young people, Christmas is the very special day for lovers, including three crucial factors: dating, romantic love, and female first. Thus, Christmas Eve is a fairytale night for young couples to spend their precious time together and developed into the Love Economy. From the results of the participant observation and interviews with the Japanese for this study, Japanese young people’s reworking of the Christmas celebration into an elaborately staged romantic fantasy comes from the collectivist culture and the Japanese sense of homogeneity. Nevertheless, as a manifestation of consumerism and romantic practice of imagination, Christmas celebration reveals the gender gap and gender imbalance that Japanese women still face in job and family fields nowadays. This study argues that Christmas being as a fairytale night for Japanese young people, can be seen as compensation party for Japanese women to temporarily run away from the burdensome and oppression in daily life.


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