  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 游張松


摘 要 自網際網路出現以來,全球資訊網(WWW)每年皆以爆炸性的速度成長,全球網路使用者亦大幅增加。網際網路的盛行,促使釵h傳統產業改變經營型態,供應鏈整合加速,資訊的流通較以往更透明且更快速,當然亦有釵h新興產業及企業誕生,線上拍賣網站即為其中之一。 目前的線上拍賣網站皆以「英式拍賣」為主要的拍賣機制,交易內容略顯單調,因應「知識經濟」時代的來臨,拍賣標的物不應侷限於實體的物品,個人的知識與能提供的服務亦可以作為拍賣標的物或參與競標的投標物。 本研究最主要的目的為建置一個線上虛擬交易平台,提供包括傳統「英式拍賣」、「以物易物」、「才藝服務交換」等交易機制;並開發「線上招標」交易機制,允陴{金擁有人開設招標賣場,標的物為其現金預算,投標人可以其擁有的物品或服務至招標賣場參與競標。 除了傳統線上英式拍賣模式,本研究加入了線上才藝服務的拍賣與交換,允釧蝵瘚o起人以實體物品、才藝服務、甚至現金(線上招標)作為拍賣標的物,而競標人亦可以實體物品、才藝服務、現金作為投標物,大幅增加了交易的可能排列組合。 本研究以Macromedia Coldfusion MX網頁設計技術為主,搭配Microsoft SQL Server 2000與Macromedia Dreamweaver MX等軟體建置Xchange交易網站。本交易網站之設計以「賣場」資料表為中心,其資料庫有賣場、標的物、出價記錄、成孕璈騿B問與答、追蹤、檢舉、中類、小類、交易地區、member、及個人資料共十二個SQL資料表。 本研究的虛擬交易平台具有下列優點:提供網路使用者更具彈性的交易機制、促成Double Coincidence of Wants、降低網路交易成本、加入才藝服務的拍賣與交換、增進社會經濟效率,並進一步多元化電子商務交易市場。


exchange 拍賣 交換


Abstract Electronic commerce (EC) activities are growing rapidly on the Internet. The prevalence of Internet has been driving traditional industries to change their operational process, and the flow of information has become faster and more transparent. Consequently, new industries and enterprises are developed, and online auction website is one of them. “English Auction” is the major trading practice upon online auction websites presently. The trading content is somewhat criticized monotonous. Given the advent of “Knowledge-based Economy”, individual knowledge, talents, or services could be feasible for public bidding on the Internet. The purpose of this research is to establish an online virtual platform, which provides not only “English Auction” but also “(Goods) Barter”, “Talents and Services Exchange” and “Public Bidding Invitation”. In addition to the traditional mode of English auction, this research adds online auction or exchange of talents and services, which means tangible goods, talents or services, and even real money could be put up at online auction. On the other hand, these three categories could also be used to bid or exchange via the proposed platform. This research uses the software of Macromedia Coldfusion MX, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and Macromedia Dreamweaver MX to establish the online trade website named “Xchange”. The database includes the following twelve relational tables: Mart, Item, Bidding, Deal, Q&A, Track, Impeach, Level_2, Level_3, Trade_Area, Member and Personal. The virtual platform of this research provides the following advantages: offers Internet users a more flexible trading system, makes “Double Coincidence of Wants” come true, reduces transaction cost, adds the auction or exchange of talents and services, enhances the economic efficiency, and enriches the market of electronic commerce.


exchange auction




Mehyar, M. (2005). 生活美語搜尋網站之經營模式與發展策略 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2005.10177
