  • 學位論文


The Accidental Action of Journalists in Taiwan:An Analysis of Min Sheng Daily

指導教授 : 林麗雲


《民生報》無預警停刊後,該報新聞工作者溫和地向資方協商並迅速妥協,引發外界批評。本研究的目的是分析《民生報》勞方的偶發行動,並提出建言。本文著重新聞工作者的主體性,以伊利斯 ( Elias ) 提出的「群體人格特質」概念,闡釋報社的組織文化與組織控制如何持續影響報社停刊後勞方的集體行動,並強調勞方、資方與工會的三方互動關係,期望呈現本個案偶發行動的歷時性動態過程。本研究並引用Offe & Wiesenthal ( 1980 ) 、奧爾森 ( Olson,M.,1971/1989 ) 提出的集體行動邏輯理論,探討勞方組織如何形成集體認同以克服集體行動的代價。過往研究多認為勞方集體行動必須憑藉勞工意識,在台灣媒體勞方階級意識薄弱的情況下,馬克思學派的論述難以充分解釋本個案的集體行動過程。本文的研究方法以半結構式的深度訪談法為主,輔以二手文獻資料。研究發現,在《民生報》報業主的組織控制下,該報成為內部少有溝通爭論的一言堂組織,白領新聞工作者在此種組織文化下形成溫和的群體人格特質。同時,因該報報業主對員工的照顧、堅持清新健康的正派辦報形象,新聞工作者在經濟上與情感上強烈認同報社,報社招牌甚至成為新聞工作者媒體生涯的重要個人標記。這促成勞方在報社無預警停刊後的迅速崛起,卻也促成勞方的迅速妥協。勞方在體面必要性與經濟必要性的考量下,展開動員議題導向的偶發性集體行動。然而,白領新聞工作者的矜持、勞方與工會在行動過程中產生的拉扯,俱使勞方透過溝通邏輯型塑的集體認同被資方的大級距慰問金方案迅速瓦解,資方在勞方、資方、工會的三方互動過程中始終處於權力優勢。而經由回顧《民生報》勞方的偶發行動經驗可知,未來類似案例可考慮發行抗爭報作為勞方集體行動的經濟後盾,並藉此凝聚明確的集體認同,也可考慮以資方的企業形象為訴諸輿論的籌碼之一,以爭取勞方的權益。


After Min Sheng Daily closed without any sign, the journalists of this newspaper consulted to the capital party gently and compromised rapidly, which caused the public criticism. The purpose of this research is to analyze the accidental action of labor party of Min Sheng Daily, and propose the recommendation. This paper focuses on the entity of journalists. The concept of “group personality” proposed by Elias is used to explain how the organizational culture and organizational control of newspaper office influence the collective action of labor party after the newspaper office closed, and emphasize the interact among the labor party, capital party and trade union, expect to show the dynamic process of this accidental action. This research quotes the logic theory of collective action proposed by Offe and Wiesenthal (1980), Olson, M., (1971/1989) to discuss how labor organization forms the collective cognition to overcome the cost of collective action. The previous researches considered that the collective action of labor party must depend on labor's consciousness. Under weak class consciousness of labor in Taiwan, the argumentation of Marx school is difficult to fully explain the collective action process of this case. The research method of this paper mainly relies on deeply interview, and complements it with the second hand literature. It is found in the research that under the organizational control of Min Sheng Daily office, the inside of this newspaper office became an organization with little communication dispute. The white collar journalists formed gentle group personality under this organizational culture. Meanwhile, because the newspaper owner took care of the employees, insisted on fresh and healthy newspaper images, the journalists approved the newspaper office economically and emotionally, and even the signboard of the newspaper office became important personal marks of journalists at their media careers. This facilitated fast emergence of labor party after the newspaper office closed without sign, and also promoted the fast compromise of labor party. Under the consideration of the honorable necessity and economic necessity, the labor party launched to the accidental collective action. However, due to the restraint of white collar journalists, the conflict generated in the action process of labor party and capital party, the collective action of labor party was destroyed by the big grade of pension rapidly, and the capital party took the power advantage in three parties all the time. Upon reviewing the accidental action experience of labor party of Min Sheng Daily, one may learn that the distribution of opposite newspaper could be considered as a way to serve as the economic backing of labor party in the future, and through this way concentrating the clear collective identity. Using corporate images and appealing to the public opinion as the negotiation base may also be means to strive for the laborers’ rights and interests.


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