  • 學位論文


Estimating the Impact of Highway on Firms’ Total Factor Productivity

指導教授 : 黃景沂


交通基礎設施被認為是經濟增長的強大助推器,能夠通過降低運輸成本、優化資源配置等方式促進地區經濟發展。因此,對交通基礎設施作用大小和機制的研究一直是經濟學的熱點。由於資料可得性等原因,目前研究還主要集中於宏觀方面,實證檢驗交通基礎設施對地區經濟的影響,結果顯示良好的交通基礎設施能夠提高地區GDP和地區TFP,對經濟發展有著顯著的正向影響。 不同以往,本文從微觀層面入手,研究交通基礎設施對工業企業生產效率(TFP)的影響。鑒於浙江省高速公路存量從21世紀初開始快速增長,同時浙江省工業企業數量眾多且資料完整性好,本文採用浙江省工業企業作為研究樣本,實證研究高速公路對工業企業TFP的影響機制和大小。 高速公路主要通過四種機制影響企業TFP,包括:1.提升企業運輸條件,降低運輸成本,同時延長運輸資產的使用壽命;2.縮短企業採購庫存提前期,降低最低安全庫存水準;3.擴大企業產品的銷售範圍;4.提高企業資本收益率,吸引外資以及外資企業進入。其中,前兩點通過降低企業成本,增加利潤,促使企業將更多的資金投入到創新研究中。後兩點則通過加大企業間競爭,降低利潤,迫使企業被動加大創新力度。四種機制都能促使企業提升TFP。 在實證方面,控制住相關變數、行業變數和時間趨勢後,發現高速公路能夠顯著增加所在地區工業企業TFP,有高速通過的地區,企業TFP能顯著增加9.42%(FE結果)。對機制的實證研究中,發現高速公路能夠增加4.18%的企業銷售產值、降低2.64%的營業費用和吸引更多的外資及外資企業進入,從不同機制促進企業TFP的增加。 本文從微觀層面證明了高速公路對經濟長期增長有著顯著的促進作用,大規模交通基礎設施投資具有積極意義,為以後交通基礎設施的建設提供了良好的理論支援和建議,同時豐富了交通基礎設施的實證研究。


Transportation infrastructure is regarded as a powerful booster of local economy, it can improve local economy through decreasing transportation cost and other ways. Thus, the study on how transportation infrastructure works and the effect size of transportation infrastructure is the hot point of economic research all the time. Because of data availability and other reasons, researcher mainly focused on macroscopic aspect, empirically study the effect of transportation infrastructure on local economy. Most research found that good transportation infrastructure could improve region’s GDP and region’s TFP. My research proceeds from microscopic aspect, in order to study how transportation infrastructure affects local enterprises’ TFP. Because the amount of highway of Zhejiang province increased rapidly on 21st, and the number of Zhejiang industrial enterprises is large and the data is easily accessible, my research mainly studies the effect of highway on local enterprises’ TFP in Zhejiang province. The mechanism of how highway affects enterprises includes four aspects: 1. Improve enterprise transportation condition, decrease transportation cost, and extend lifespan of some assets in enterprises. 2. Shorten the lead time of enterprise purchase, decrease minimum safe inventory level, thus decrease enterprise’s inventory cost. 3. Extend the sales area of product. 4. The improvement of transportation infrastructure benefits to increase the return of capital, then attracts more foreign capital establish enterprises in this area. The first two points can increase enterprises’ benefit by decreasing cost, thus enterprises could invest more capital to innovate and research. The last two points will decrease enterprises’ benefit by aggravating the competition between enterprises, so enterprises have to intensify their innovation for getting rid of homogeneous malignant price competition. The all points can force enterprises to improve their innovation level, and finally improve enterprises’ TFP. After controlling relative variables and time and industry factors, empirical results show that the TFP of enterprises which locate in the area existing highway will increase 9.42% (fixed effect).The empirical study on mechanism show that highway could attract more foreign capital and enterprises, increase industrial sales by 4.18%, and decrease operating expense by 2.64%. This paper confirms that highway has significantly positive impact on long-term economic growth and the investment of transportation infrastructure has positive significance. And this paper offers well theoretical support and advice on transportation infrastructure construction. At the same time, it enriches the empirical study on transportation infrastructure.


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