  • 學位論文


A Study on Malaysia’s Mediation in the Ethnic Conflict in the Southern Philippines

指導教授 : 左正東 邱鳳臨


二〇一四年三月二十七日,菲律賓政府與菲律賓南部分離組織「莫洛伊斯蘭解放陣線」(Moro Islamic Liberation Front, MILF)簽署「最後和平架構協定」(Final peace agreement),以終結民答那峨島長達四十多年的流血武裝衝突。在簽署儀式的當天,許多來自不同國家與團體的第三方代表,在歡喜的氣氛下見證了MILF與菲律賓政府代表握手的重要時刻。其中,馬來西亞政府是擔任調停第三方的重要人物之一,也是最主要推動雙方和平交涉的中心人物。然而,從歷史的角度而言,馬來西亞政府曾經為支援菲律賓南部分離運動的幕後推手之一,可以說馬來西亞本身也是莫洛分離問題的參與者之一。 「調停理論」中,傳統上認為理想的調停人選為具備「中立性」的「大國」。而這兩大的特質正是馬來西亞在此交涉中所欠缺的。本文就針對馬來西亞的和平調停的角色進行各種剖析,了解調停理論中的「例外」產生的歷史脈絡,進而希望能為傳統上的「調停理論」能夠提供新的視角。


The Philippines government and Philippines largest Muslim rebel group, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), on March 27 2014 signed a final peace pact, ending around 40 years of conflict that has killed many people in the southern philippines. On the day of signing ceremony, many third party representatives from different countries witnessed the historical moment that MILF and the Philippine government representetives shaked hands under mood of happiness. During the peace talks between Philippines government and MILF, Malaysia government is one of the important figures as a third party, and it also played the central figure that most promotes peace negotiations move forward. However, since Malaysian government was one of supporters of the separatist movement in the southern Philippines, it can be said that Malaysia itself is also a participant that involved in Moro Separatist Movement. According to the “mediation theory”, it has traditionally been considered that the ideal mediation candidate is the one who has “great power” and “neutrality”. These two characteristics are exactly what Malaysia lacks in this negotiation. This paper conducts various analyses on the Malaysia’s role as a peace maker, through analyzing the “exceptional mediation” structure and back ground, hope the findings in this paper can provide a new perspective for the traditional "mediation theory."


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