  • 學位論文


A Study on Indirect Patent Infringement

指導教授 : 黃銘傑


為彌補傳統專利侵權判定標準對專利權保護之不足,針對可視為專利間接侵權的造意或幫助行為,給與專利權人損害賠償請求權、侵害除去請求權以及侵害防止請求權,才能保障專利權人的權益。從比較法的觀點而言,美國、德國以及日本先後在專利法中引進了專利間接侵權制度,然而各國並未採取一致的專利間接侵權判斷標準。 目前我國專利法中無專利間接侵權之相關規定,然而專利制度之選擇,反映了各個國家不同之政治經濟環境,與社會文化需求,因此,不排除日後我國可根據國家之經濟與社會發展狀態,於同時兼顧交易秩序與專利權人之利益之情況下,於專利法中建立國情相應的專利間接侵權制度。惟在我國專利法增設專利間接侵權之規定前,專權人不防先利用民法尋求民事救濟,針對不構成專利法之侵權行為,即當行為人本身以其不當之方法,防礙專利權之獨占利益,造成專利權人財產利益受損時,專利人得依民法第184條第1項後段規定主張損害賠償請求權,或者依第185條共同侵權行為之規定,向共同侵權人、造意及幫助人請求連帶賠償。 日後當我國的立法者選擇用專利法特別規範專利間接侵權行為時,可立法規範所要保護之間接侵權行為樣態以及客體對象。惟基於完整落實專利制度中賦予獨占權以鼓勵創新研發並維護公共財以利後續產業發展的目的,不宜於法條中直接明定專利間接侵權及直接侵權行為之關係,本文認為宜參考日本的主流學說,當主行為人的行為不成立直接侵權行為時,由直接侵權不成立的理由做為依據,衡量被控侵權者是否需負擔間接侵權責任。另針對間接侵權行為中的幫助侵權行為之主觀要件部份,會避免嚴重影響市場交易秩序,需規定當行為人有侵害特定專利權之故意,即明知所提供的產品是用作侵害該特定專利權時,才需負擔專利間接侵權責任。


The patent law has long considered persons who encourage the unauthorized practice of another’s patented invention to have engaged in culpable conduct. Such individuals face liability for patent infringement if they never directly employ the patented invention themselves. The patent law terms this sort of conduct “indirect” infringement. The indirect infringement doctrines have codified into U.S, Germany and Japan patent statutes. However, for jurally disparity and the sociocultural distinction, there are different qualifications in these statutes. The R.O.C. Patent Act does not cover the indirect infringement doctrines now. Because of different manners and customs in different countries, there are jurally disparities in those countries. While considering these issues and the foreign legislations, the R.O.C. Patent Act will be amended to incorporate the indirect infringement doctrines. Before amending the R.O.C. Patent Act, the patentee cloud seek remedies by applying Articles 184(I) and 185 of the R.O.C. Civil Code. If the indirect infringement doctrines codify into the R.O.C. Patent Act in the future, Legislators could set different qualifications from the foreign legislations. For the promotion, protection and utilization of creations of invention in order to promote development of industry, the R.O.C. Patent Act should not directly define the relation between the indirect infringement and direct infringement. The present thesis recommends refer to Japan Patent Act by the reason why the direct patent infringement is not established for the basis to measure whether the alleged infringer should take infringement liability or not. For the subjective elements, it is recommended that only the alleged infringer have known of the patent and that the used of the component would constitute an infringement.


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