  • 學位論文


Imagined Chineseness: The Identity Politics of the Second-generation Yunnanese Chinese in Northern Thailand

指導教授 : 洪伯邑


本研究關注泰國北部二代雲南華人的認同政治(identity politics),從社會人類學中族群理論的社會建構面向作為分析視角,企圖檢視從1949年國共內戰後遷徙到泰緬邊境的二代華人後裔的族群現象,說明泰北華人的認同轉換並不只是獲得泰國公民權下的必然過程,而是必須鑲嵌在1949—2000年中華民國政府對於當地華人的僑務政策治理,以及在泰國民族主義政治治理結構之交互作用下,如何作為結構性的動能,形塑當代以「泰北華人(族)」作為自我身份認定的「族群邊界(the boundaries of ethnic group)」。 泰北華人作為一社群主體,除了凸顯戰後中華民國民族主義治理的跨國性,也體現了在移居地—泰國後期的同化政策下,促使泰北華人重新思考境內的族群關係。一方面他們成為戰後中華民國民族主義收編下的「中國同胞」,來台求學的二代華人被視為回歸祖國的懷抱,然而來台後衍生的身份問題以及後期台灣主體性論述下,也造成泰北華人到了後期產生中國—台灣民族主義之間的衝突。另一方面,在泰國對華政策的改善下,泰北華人重新被納入為泰國民族建構框架下的少數族群,在二代華人的生命經驗中,對自我的身份認定從「中國同胞」、「中國難民」轉變為「泰國華人」; 更是在後期建構「華人性(chineseness )」中的「正統」論述中確立與境內曼谷華人的不同。 本研究考察位於泰緬邊境的美斯樂(Mae Salong)華人村落的族群現象顯示,族群認同形塑的內外部動能涉及政治經濟結構、公民權利的掌握程度以及原生性(promordialism)的內戰集體記憶(collective memory)傳承,更策略性地運用這些族群屬性(ethnicity)展現自身泰北華人的族群身份。反映在二戰後泰國政府如何面對境內華人的族群態度,以及如何透過泰北華人將泰國曼谷華人他者化的過程,重新定義自身泰北華人的族群認同與情感歸屬,最終本研究認為泰北華人性是政治權力以及族群關係下的產物,且族群認同游移在「原生情感」以及「工具邏輯」之間。


This research focuses on the identity politics of the second-generation yunnanese chinese in northern Thailand. I use the social constructionism of ethnic theory as my viewpoint and scrutinize the ethnic phenomena of the yunnanese who migrated to the boundary of Thai-Myanmar since the Chinese civil war. I argue that the yunnanese Chinese identity’s change is not nearly personal choice which got the Thai-citizenship in 1980s. Instead, we have to understand the process by embedding the overseas community’s policy of the R.O.C government since 1949 and the governance of Thailand government. The two things trigger the yunnanese Chinese to form the “boundaries of ethnic group.” Taking the yunnanese as a community, it not only shows the transnationality of the R.O.C’s nationalism since the Chinese civil war, but also reflects the policies of the thai-nationalism assimilation. And the latter one promotes the yunnanese to think about the relationship with the other ethnic groups in Thailand. On the one hand, they became as compatriots of the R.O.C’s government before 1980s. And then they became as outsiders since the Taiwanese subjectivity discourse rising after 1980s. On the other hand, as the improvement of Chinese policy in Thailand, the yunnanese were been taken as the minority in the thai-nationalism. Since that, they started to construct the northern-thai chineseness and identified the difference from the Teochew chinese in Bangkok through the Chinese representative. This research takes Mae Salong Chinese village as the major field site. And the ethnic phenomena show that the factors of the identity negotiation are political structure, citizenship, and the collective memory of the Chinese civil war. The yunnanese strategically use their own ethnicity to perform their ethnic identity and othering the chinese in Bangkok. Finally, this research argues that the northern-thai chineseness is the product of political power and ethnic relationship, and the yunnanese ethnic identity is wavering between primordialism and instrumentalism.




